MovieChat Forums > The Best of Me (2014) Discussion > Awful casting, glaring holes, spoilers.....

Awful casting, glaring holes, spoilers...

The casting immediately made me go, "Come on!". Marsden and Monaghan can be made to look 20 years younger, so do that or actually cast someone close. It's like, let's cast two good looking people and make that work.

Having a song, Tag Team's "Whoomp There It Is", that wasn't released until 1993 for a 1992 date made me immediately start questioning some things.

Giving the kid 8 years and minimum 4 for killing his cousin when his dad was more responsible for the death made me think B.S. Especially considering his testimony in court. A year made sense, maybe.

After a truck nearly runs him off the road and then taking care of his cousins, you think he would realize that maybe his dad was out to get him and not stick around outside.

Was there any doubt whose heart the kid got? Was she really shocked when his death coincided with his son's heart surgery?

Quit making these books into movies if they don't translate to the screen, especially if you can't cast worth a damn.


Somehow Dawson lost two inches of height between high school and adulthood, too!


Seriously. Monaghan and Marsden look great but they could've pass as teenagers


I disagree. Monaghan is obviously not a teenager but she does look good for her age. She is pushing 40. And Marsdsen darn sure doesn't look like a teenager. My god did you see the gray beard? He looks the 42 that he is IMO. But I

You can see a young Michelle here in an episode of The Young Americans:


This was suppose to be Paul Walker's role, because of his death death that's how James got casted.
