MovieChat Forums > The Best of Me (2014) Discussion > Nicholas Sparks self-references

Nicholas Sparks self-references

Hell, not only did they bring James Marsden from "The Notebook" ten years ago, they had him (or Luke Bracey) and Michelle Monaghan (or Liana Liberato) share a kiss in the rain NOTEBOOK STYLE a la Mr.Marsden and I THINK in her first "good girl" role after "Hot Chick",2002, and "Mean Girls",2004 Rachel McAdams! Cute.

Then there's that "the lucky ones" reference and the stars (think "A Walk to Remember"-the naming a star after someone only that angle's not used but using the stars as guidance is.)

And of course the trademarks mentioned (except this isn't in the Carolinas but another southern state, Louisiana).

Can anybody name other references to earlier Sparks movies and books in this besides the ones I stated the ususal trademarks (another being death)?

Enjoyed ity very the much, Sparks's best and that is coming from a straight man.

Twitter account:SJCarras
MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.


The egregious Budweiser commercial -- dock scene and sprinkled throughout?


One thing you can say about Nicholas Sparks' books/movies is that you always know exactly what you're getting. The repetition gets annoying for sure, yet we continue to make the movies possible by going to see them!


Exactly. Someone times you just want a sappy romance movie. I can't take too much of his stories but every now and then I am in the mood for it.


I think you need to look to the screenplay and script writers to do your complaining to because they are the ones that are making them all seem alike. It isn't the books. It's the movies.
