MovieChat Forums > The Best of Me (2014) Discussion > How did Tommy Cole expect to get get awa...

How did Tommy Cole expect to get get away with attacking Tuck?

I always found that part of the movie to be the stupidest part, how Tuck catches Tommy Cole slapping Dawson around, he already knew that Tommy had beaten up Dawson before and given him the black eye, nobody reported this to the local police, Tommy was technically trespassing on Tuck's property and assaulting a minor for the second time, Tuck was in his rights to shoot up his car and force them to flee, Tuck never called the police and reported this event to them to be on the safe side but i assume in the end they were told everything after he was beaten up by Tommy and his sons.

But i never understood how Tommy Cole expected to get away with beating up Tuck and destroying his yard and garden, Tommy would have to know that he was illegally trespassing on Tucks property and that Tuck was within his rights to shoot up his truck.

Tommy seems to think that nobody would ever call the police and report the assault on Tuck and destruction of private property which was provoked by Tommy and his sons in the first place, nothing that Tommy said would give him an advantage over Tuck at all, and yet Tommy acts cocky and smug when Dawson arrives at his house and threatens him, he never expects the police to get involved or be notified about his criminal activity involving Tuck.

Exactly what was his explanation supposed to be when the police arrived? Or did the police just ignore old men and teenage boys getting beaten up by drug dealers in that area?

And why wouldnt Tuck call the police right away after Tommy first showed up and tell them about Dawson having a black eye when he came to his house? About how Tommy showed up and beat Dawson up and trespassed on his property? Not like Tuck would get arrested for that, not when the locals were violent first.


This was 1991? In the early 90's people were handling their own business. The nanny police state didn't start until 97-98 and that was in the big city. I'm sure it took a lot longer to trickle down to New Orleans.


The puce may have seen it as 'family business' or a 'domestic dispute' and not got involved.
I imagine some families the police just steered clear of!
Things were very different in that time and place.


