Cringeworthy moments

I usually enjoy most of Nicholas Sparks's books and movies but this one was not good at all. The source material wasn't strong enough for a movie to begin with. Just like in The Lucky One I hate that they moved the setting from the Carolinas to Louisiana. It's good for my home state, but an obvious money saving ploy. Made me cringe when Dawson brags about his SAT scores and how they will help him get into LSU. In 1992 most high school students in Louisiana took the ACT. They also play "Whoop There It Is" on the radio; that song didn't come out until 1994. I also cringed whenever the would jump in the lake and swim noisily around. Maybe in the Carolinas people can spontaneously do cannonballs into murky lakes but in Louisiana it's never a good idea because of a little thing called DANGEROUS REPTILES!


At the beginning when he's yelling "Hit the blow out preventer, hit the blow out preventer." Any real offshore hand would yell "Hit the BOP."


In adore James Marsden too, but he was greatly miscast in this. I understand he was a last minute replacement due to tragic circumstances, but he looked too young for the role.

The end of the shoelace is called the...


The entire movie was cringe worthy, for me. I like cheesy chick flicks, but this one was just too much for me to enjoy.
