Star Spangled Banner

Wow, it was great! Her singing voice actually took me by surprise! It's a shame she didn't sing like that back in 1990.


She did a very good job. It is a very hard song to sing.

She also explained how she started way too high in 1990 and it just went downhill from there.



I remember when she did the star spangled banner the first time. Soon as she got done, grabbed her crotch and spit, I laughed out loud hyserically, because I KNEW it was merely a joke. Why would anyone expect anything less from Roseanne, being a standup comedian and running her own sitcom? She was just doing what she knew best, making the audience laugh. I felt the fans blew it WAY outta perportion and attacked her unfairly. Death threats? Seriously? WTF is wrong with people? I would not want those types of fans cheering for me. I'd rather have the fans who can appreciate a joke, who has their head screwed on strait, who doesn't have the propensity to go psychotic over such trivial issues.


she did a good job. what's funny is, she DID start too high again--and midway through the song, she smartly (or accidentally) dropped the key between sections, so when she came to the high parts, they weren't as high as they could have been.

--Daniel W. Kelly, author of "Closet Monsters" and "Horny Devils."


I think back in 1990 patriotic fanaticism was still recognized as being a little weird. Today it has become mainstream. It is bit tiresome since these same people bragging off about their "patriotism" are the ones who hate American society, they hate Americal people so much they cringe at the word "social". I mean team sports fans make it clear they don't care about politics so what do baseball games have to do with patriotism? It makes sense at the olympics since it announces the nationality of the teams.


I took it as offensive all over again. Proving that she could sing just proves that she botched the original on purpose. Shame on her! I know that she trained and all, but she actually had ability which cannot be taught. I think she just was shy to sing and so she copped out and botched it on purpose. Not a huge sin in it's own, and she should have simply backed out of it if she felt that way, but then she went on a campaign to lie about it and try to make people think she was trying her heart out is just the lowest of the lows.
