MovieChat Forums > The Imposter (2012) Discussion > What if the whole story is fake!!!

What if the whole story is fake!!!

- I didn't see any sign on the movie, which declares "based on true events."

- Some details are too stupid to be true. Many people wrote it here, i dont wanna write again, but especially a foreign guy has been left alone in Spanish police station all night long!!! or FBI officer woman believed that someone put a special solution into his eyes and his eye color has been changed!!!. There are many stupid details like these.

- I tried to search any actual news about missing child from US news channels. But I couldnt find anything. Ok I know there are hundreds of missing children every year, they cant make news with every missing child. But this is an exceptional story, after the whole story was clarified, there should be some news on CNN or FOX as I know the biggest news channel from USA. But nothing has been found.

- Nobody mentioned before but who is the US general consulate in Spain in 1991? I found that he is real, but his actual picture is not similar on the film. perhaps an actor played him. If everything was a fake-scenario, i think the script writers cant courage to include an actual person without his permission especially an old general consulate of USA . This is also wonders me.

- I can add some other points too. But generally I couldnt clarify the whole story myself. What do you think guys ? What if the director created the whole story and put informations all over the internet? I can also upload a missing child sign all over the internet, imho it wont be hard thing. Think about Blair Witch Project Movie, everyone believed the whole story at the beginning, but when the movie becomes a huge success, it has been explained that it is an fake story. Maybe the luck of this script is that it hasn't taken so many attention.


It's true, if you look up the names of the missing teen as well as the Imposter himself you will find plenty of information.


Thanks for your reply. Have you seen rhe documentary of Banksy "exit through gift shop" . There are also plenty of information on mr. Brainwash in internet. I think the impoater in the movie is a similar character like mr. Brainwash. They d like to create a character which look like a real one.




This isn't a fabrication. It's not even 'catfished' (as in using forthcoming reality itself to construct a narrative that suits the story).

This was indeed a bit of a national new story in 1998ish. I remember seeing in on the news then. The film was released in 2012.

I think the primary problem happening with the way you watched the movie is that it was shot in a now-atypical way of documentary filmmaking. The award-winning documentary 'the Thin Blue Line' posed reenactments to liven up its story, and was possibly the first of its kind. Now, typically, the only place that style is used is on those true crime shows. This style is an interesting return to form in that way-and it likely is new to many of its viewers as it's heyday was 20 years ago.

The idea of making a faux-documentary I've always found novel, and quite frankly, a lot of fun. But that runs the risk of a small population believing that it's real despite the obvious (part of the fun for me). Further-there'd be no way to convincingly stage a story around a REAL missing child without the family of the missing getting very upset, using, and then we wouldn't have a movie. There is a line that faux-documentaries can't cross-you can offend, prank, and lie, but you can't get sued.

I think much of this goes without saying though, honest question-why would you consider it faked? I mean personally; not the evidence of how forgetful or careless people were in this situation, but, what about it made you feel like it was false?


Are you *beep* stupid or what? Did you miss the part of the news report?


Nope, all true! I can't comprehend how stupid the family and the FBI was.


Maybe because it was 1997, when dinosaurs roamed the earth!
