MovieChat Forums > Stalingrad (2013) Discussion > Gee, who are the good guys?

Gee, who are the good guys?

Which is the good side in this battle? The superb, enterprising, over-achieving, outnumbered, underclothed Weirmacht that is stranded hundreds of miles from home deep within enemy territory and is commanded by a maniacally evil Nazi dictator? Or the ruthless, raping, feckless, overpowering Red Army that has home advantage and is commanded by a maniacally evil Communist dictator? Gee, it seems to this Canadian by this undoubtedly factual trailer, which portrays Russian heroes motivated by love, that the whole world should be cheering on Stalin to go on and enslave those future Warsaw Pact nations for the good of Mother Russia. Da, da, Soviet! Nyet, nyet, Nazi!


You know, regardless of the politics of either side, its incredibly naiive to think that there is any justification to think that its unfair for the film to ask you to root for the Soviets. If the USSR had lost the battle for Stalingrad, that would've been it, that would've been the war. The Nazi forces would have quickly taken control of the rest of Moscow, before redeploying the divisions that were used in the invasion of Russia to begin a land assault of Great Britain. If that had happened, the allies would've been powerless to stop it. Nazi Germany would've won.

Instead, the German army wasted huge amounts of time and resources trying to break Stalingrad, giving the allies sufficient time to take control of North Africa and build up the strength neccessary to take back Europe.

Say what you will about the USSR, but during WWII, without them the allies wouldn't have stood a chance.


Yes, of course, I know that, with about 70% of German Army casualties having occurred on the Eastern Front, the evil Soviets were arguably more responsible for beating the evil Nazis than any of the other Allies, the good old USA included. However, the rooting interest in Stalingrad should be utilitarian, unless one is a patriotic Russian. I'm just laughing at the absurdity of representing the Soviet side as an innocent bunch of underdog, romantic paladins fighting for Love against Evil. This history is too recent to make a 300-style comic book movie out of it, where the ancient Spartans were the noble, outnumbered babyfaces fighting for Freedom and Democracy against the monster heel ancient Persians – or is it?


You behave like a classic Canadick, but I am not surprised, those types rarely give any credit to the Russian people.



You're a little mixed up on your history. Stalingrad was only one of several major confrontations happening on the eastern front simultaneously, the other major one being the siege of Leningrad. "The rest of Moscow"? What's that? The Germans never controlled Moscow, they were pushed back in December 1941. The war on the eastern front was different than that on the other fronts, it was a clash of two radically different political systems, run by two equally ruthless and conscience-less dictators. There was no quarter, it was a fight to the death. That being said, Stalingrad and Leningrad were Hitler's targets because of their political value, not for any other real reason. He did not have to conquer either city to defeat the Soviet Union, (assuming he had the capability to defeat it, I do not believe so), he chose to waste hundreds of thousands of troops in an attempt to conquer these two cities, and the Russians made him pay dearly for it. If Germany had conquered and occupied Stalingrad, it would not have won them the war. They actually controlled most of it in the later stages. The Russians would still have encircled them and ultimately destroyed the armies there. By the same token, the Russians were willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of troops defending it, for the simple reason it bore Stalin's name, and seeing it conquered would be a major political blow, if not necessarily a military one.



I wouldn't.



"Say what you will about the USSR, but during WWII, without them the allies wouldn't have stood a chance. "

LOL, very naive idiocy I see. Please, tell me why Germany lost the Battle of Britain in the prime of the war then?

The Allies would've still won had the USSR fell, just like they still won in World War 1 when Russia fell.

Britain + US + Canada could've taken on Germany, just because they kicked the ever-loving *beep* out of Russia doesn't really mean anything, considering I have no idea where you get the thought of Germany being some invincible super-power that was only able to be defeated by the soviets draining their power.



Are you kidding? Ah the Russians are the good guys. I think you know that.


Are you kidding? Ah the Russians are the good guys. I think you know that.


No, it was unclear to me that the Russians were the good guys, at least before I saw the glowing trailer for this inspiring docudrama. The "good guys" executed 20,000 Poles in the Katyn massacre, reduced the population of Estonia by 20%, killed at least half a million German civilians, enslaved another 2 million of them, raped and pillaged wherever they went – and that just begins an impressive list of Russian achievements for “The Great Patriotic War”. The atrocities of the Germans are generally better known to the public in English-speaking countries, but that is only because the Hun had the disadvantage of being on the losing side in the war.

Perhaps the ideal outcome for audiences for Stalingrad would be that both sides lost in a Biblical Pyrrhic draw that eliminated all of the members of both the Wehrmacht and the Red Army. A world without both Nazi and Soviet power after 1942, especially for Eastern and Central Europe, probably would have been a better place.


Hahahahha, do you get paid for your propaganda bullsh? I hope so, because otherwise you're a clueless idiot. Wow. How about Russians sharing 1 rifle between 5 men.


What does that have to do with anything he just said? If it's baseless propaganda then it should be easy for you to refute it. Off you go...


Nothing he said is based on anything historically accurate, so there's nothing to refute.


If nothing he said is historically accurate, then it's all there to be refuted.


You are an f....g idiot and Putin lover. Stay in Russia or move to the country if you are not a Russian. You will love the reality.😂Вы наивны или глупы.


You're a clear troll with an agenda, I'm Russian and have lived in Europe for 14 years, in States for 2 years, now I'm back in the homeland and I know what I'm talking about. How about you go to that Child 44 board and read how I put you in your place.


hahahaha, KGB Putin lover, marry him and do not forget about his propaganda. 😂We all know how much harm Russians made to people in Eastern Europe and in your own country.Не опозорит русских, которые не так наивен, как ты. Как сильно вы любите своего лидера?


Don't try to Google-translate Russian please, makes you look like a complete idiot (which you already are, anyway). How much do I love my leader? I don't love my leader. I fully SUPPORT Putin, someone who pulled my country from an absolute filth hole it was in the 90's (ya know, when USA was our "best friend"). So please, TROLL, either change your agenda book, because it stinks of stereotypical BS, or just don't post at all.

"We all know" Who's we? You and your couch insects? Lmfao. Please, hun. Stop trying to act smarter than you are. Where are you from, by the way? Because I strongly sense a butthurt Westerner here.

How about that Child 44 board, then? Any response to me owning you about Ukraine? No? Though so.


I am not going to talk to discuss with someone who only denies facts and writes lies. I read your previous comments here and it is enough for me that you know propaganda not real history.
And what about your Russian language? seems you do not know it Putin lover. I know Russian language, do not need google.Pff..
You will not change history and facts. Your posts only prove how arrogant you are.😒
Ukraine? You wrote enough lies and deny facts, no sense to talk to a liar.


Classic. Just blabber on, Sammy, blabber on. "You know nothing! Putin loverrr!" lmao. And NOTHING to propose as counter-argument. Same old story.

Ты русского не знала и не знаешь, дурочка )) Ты переводишь Гуглом и это видно, кого обмануть-то пытаешься? You´re pathetic.


I replied you clearly, not going to waste my time for reading lies and denials. You can love your Putin for the rest of your life.
PS. I understand very well what you wrote in Russian. You even do not know if I am a man or a woman, and yet you are still arrogant. Your lies are pathetic, no wonder Russia has so negatove image.😂
I know Russian and know Russia though luckily I am not a Russian and you can write what you want. Do not bring shame to other wiser Russians than you if you really are one of them. They sleep already instead of witing on websites, maybe you do not know about it.


"Lies and denials" - said a pathetic little lying Western troll living in a fantasy bubble of lies and denial. Classic. Tell me some more.

No, you don´t know Russian. No, you definitely don´t know Russia. Bringing shame to wiser Russians? Wise Russians stand by my side, trust me - we ALL know it. You? You and other liberal insects just run around complaining. That's all you do :)

I sleep the day, don't worry, I work my designs at night. I don't have a boss, but we all know you do :D


Learn history and facts instead of Russian propaganda Putin Lover.😕


What the hell are you talking about "huns"? Hun's came from the Volga, if anyones a "hun" they would've been Russian.



Goebbels invented that mass raping Soviet army propaganda because the Nazis were getting vaporized
by Stalin's military. He had to find a way to demonize "subhumans" that were slowly coming to Berlin to
avenge the pain inflicted because of his boss.

Not that rapes were not committed by Russian troops, it happened, not just by them and just not the numbers that you were hooked, lined and sinkered to believe, which were already too much.

Your cute 🐈 will DIE eating dry food! Go to Dr. Pierson's
CATINFO.ORG to prevent it!


With any luck, the film may well opt for a message that no one is the "good guy," and that such simplistic, black-and-white thinking is what gets wars going in the first place. Likely, the story will center around a few individuals with whom the audience can identify and root for, be they German and/or Russian.

Personally, I will cheer on whoever the protagonist of the story is. I already know which side is going to win the battle; what's more important is how it affects the people fighting it.

When in doubt, watch a movie!
Once certain, watch it again!


Just from the trailers, it appears that the film is indeed giving the Eastern Front the simplistic, black-and-white, 300-style treatment. The protagonists appear to be romanticized Russians, too. In any case, given how extremely brutal so many of the Russian and German soldiers were, I will not find it convincing if the protagonists are played as having actually been so many Aleksandr Solzhenitsyns and Albert Schweitzers deep down inside, yet compelled to be inhumane by the circumstances of terrible war.


Well, bdavis5 my good friend, it seems that the particular kind of Canadian you can be classified as, is "clueless mountie-monkey".

Sure, Stalin was not a very nice boy, but if his armies hadn't stopped Hitler in the USSR (keep in mind that ~90% of European Axis KIA/WIA casualties were taken in the east), we would see something like a halving of the population of Europe (ie most of the slavs/jews/gypsies etc. would be exterminated/starved) in the next few years.

Fact of the matter is, the Soviets were totalitarian *beep* but the Nazis were pure evil.

Also @lol@ at your attempts to vilify the Commie Red army while jacking off to the glory of the Nazi one. The only army who committed war-crimes comparable to the Wehrmacht during WW2, was the Japanese one. The Red army were a bunch of pacifists in comparison.


In the big picture World War Two never would have happened if Stalin an the USSR had not enabled Hitler by joining with him as an ally in the late 1930's.

The fact is they triggered World WAr II together, as allies, invading Poland, with a secret agreement called the Molatov Ribbentrop Pact.

That pact was in effect from 1939 to 1941, when the German until Germany surprised its Soviet ally and attacked them in mid 1941.

Finland, France, Lithuania, Yugoslavia, Latvia, Greece, Estonia, and of course Poland were all attacked and occupied by the cooperating Soviet and Germans during this time.

As far as being bloodthirsty the Nazi did kill about twice as many non combatants as the Soviets did, and the Stalin took twice as along to do so (from the mid 1930's). I recommend the academically and critically acclaimed "Bloodlands" for the background on that.

You are correct on the Japanese. They managed to kill non combatants at stunning numbers -- and numbers hat wee actually increasing right up to the last days of the war in mid 45.

None of this is to take way from the heroism of the individual Soviet solders at Stalingrad.


Or take away from the "heroism" of the individual German soldiers at Stalingrad, for that matter. Or take away from the "heroism" of the individual Japanese soldiers in Asia. Yet, actually, it does. I doubt that being courageous and resourceful in an evil cause is enough for the classification of heroism.

As I've tried to point out, the world would have been better off without any "heroic" Russian or German (or Japanese) soldiers at that time. If it were possible, both sides at Stalingrad should have lost.



In 30 es Britain and France allied with Hitler allowing him to take half of Europe. During 30es Stalin pleeded GB/FR for alliance against Hitler, but in vain.


"but the Nazis were pure evil"

Ahh, yes, the nazi's were "pure evil", in fact, we can see their "pure evil" in the very soul of Rommel himself, that "pure evil, bloodthirsy monster!" Who cares if he was never accused of a single war crime, or his unit, he was with Hitler, he was pure evil!

Lol, go read a history book kid.


"Five thousand Jews were subjected to forced labour in Tunisia and some were deported to death camps in Europe during the Nazi occupation of Tunisia, which lasted six months, between 1942 and 1943.

The conference was also an opportunity for the organisers and participants to learn about the contribution of Tunisian Muslims to protecting Jews from Nazi persecution.

The event memorialised Muslims who saved Jews during the period, including Khaled Abdelwahhab, a Tunisian who successfully hid more than 20 Jews from the Nazis in a factory on his property."


Perhaps I should have clarified my point with this observation: the USSR imposed a terrible, sinister tyranny upon Eastern Europe after the Germans retreated. If the USA, Britain and the Commonwealth had been completely dedicated to the cause of freedom, democracy and justice, then they would driven all of the murderous, raping, pillaging, inept Red Army back to Russia after the fall of Hitler and caused the fall of Stalin; furthermore, they could have done that with the help of the remnants of the Wehrmacht, like U.S. General Patton apparently wanted to do, and the new atomic weapons, as necessary.

Both sides at Stalingrad were the bad guys. Both sides should have lost.


Bdavis, repeating retarded *beep* doesn't make it true.

First of all, the allies would have been destroyed if they attacked the Red Army in 1945. The Russian army was plainly better than the allied one, and that's what Churchill's own generals told him after being ordered to plan for "operation unthinkable".

Second, your thoughts are imbecilic. Using your logic, "both the Germans and British should have lost" in the BoB, because both did bad things. The fact that the scale of said bad things are completely incomparable doesn't seem to matter.



Lol, you're an idiot if you think the Russian army was "plainly better" than the allied one. The British/US had better trained soldiers, better pilots, better generals, better weapons and technology (especially at the end of the war), better communications, larger naval supremacy, and more leverage. By the end of WW2, Russia was a burned out, husk of its former self. With the use of a single Atom bomb the Russians would've fled all the way back to Moscow.


"First of all, the allies would have been destroyed if they attacked the Red Army in 1945"

Thats not even close to being correct. They could not have defeated the US let alone the allies combined. The US's largest contribution to the war in Europe (Not in WW2) was to act as banker. The US was by far the largest creditor nation in the world, and was able to bankroll both the British and Russian war machines. Without the essentially unlimited credit the US supplied both countries, they would almost certainly been bankrupt (and unable to pay for anything, let alone a war) by 1941 (in Britain) or 1942 (in Russia). The US supplied the cash to keep them in the fight. At the height of WW2 Russia's economy wasn't even producing half of of what was need to fund its country, and that includes feeding and clothing the Russian civilian population. There would be no Russian army to fight in 1945 because all the US had to do was turn off the money faucet.


The germans were just trying to do what we realized had to be done after the war: to stop the murderous, evil communist regimes. The germans knew communism would spread so they took care of it cause it was in their own backyard. Just like most of asia fell to communism after eastern europe after the war. What is a government that wont even let you worship at all your God. Like the communist manifesto says "religion is the opiate of the people". At least the nazis let the churches worship for the most part. The russian comunists burnt all of them to the ground when they took over and shot the priests etc. Yea the nazis told the jews to "pack up and get outta europe or else". And they unfortunately got the "or else". Winston churchill said it best in the diary he kept in his last years he quoted about the war "we slaughtered the wrong pig"....


You really are a MORON. Since this film depicts the people of an innocent city attempting to save it from one of the most ruthless, murderous war machines the Human Race had ever seen, the defenders of Stalingrad are, by EVERY definition the 'good guys' regardless of the various crimes of Stalin and his zionist supporters.

It is a bit like asking who are the 'good guys' in Syria. A secular nation with a civilised society offering equal rights to men and women is under attack by wave after wave of Islamic terrorists recruited, trained, funded and armed by Britain, the USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel. No-one has to spend even one second looking at the history of Syria's popular (British trained) 'dictator' Assad to answer the question accurately.

Using the 'bigger picture' to deny the Humanity and Humanity of those under attack is a disgusting tactic used by war-mongers.

Of course, WW2 was started when Hitler AND Stalin invaded Poland. And, of course, zionist controlled Britain and America ONLY declared the Nazi part of the invasion of Poland to be a crime against International Law. But what does this have to do with the people of Stalingrad, and their right to defend themselves against an invading war machine?

Those engaging in aggressive warfare, no matter what the excuse, are the 'bad guys'. Most of the acts of city extermination by the Allies (Britain and America) during WW2 were crimes against Humanity, and served no military value. But the victors are NEVER punished for war-crimes.

There are numerous quotes and sayings about war all along the lines of "if you are certain of victory, obey no laws of decency, for the winner is always judged by himself to be just".


You are a seriously clue-less twit. It wasn't Stalin killing civilians and POW's, it was the Russians. Secondly "Britain" was far from anything you could even remotely call "zionist" controlled. Even the US persecuted jews at the time as well.

Only an inbred conspirator would mention anything as being "zionist controlled".
