MovieChat Forums > Boys of Abu Ghraib (2014) Discussion > Will there be a movie about the 2004 chi...

Will there be a movie about the 2004 child slaughter in Beslan?

When Abu Ghraib broke in 2004, the story was covered by every news paper, television station, website, radio station, and most forms of communication, 24/7, in all countries with electricity. It was the top story every day for about three months.

Later in 2004, Chechnyan Muslims laid siege to the elementary school at Beslan, on the first day of school with students, faculty, staff, and parents all gathered. They slaughtered hundreds of men, women and school children on worldwide television. That story disappeared within six days.


It's because Beslan is inconvenient for the left-wing liberal media. They'd rather spew their crap about drones rather than talk about 3000+ people including children who were killed on 9/11 all thanks to the followers of Islam.


Your level of ignorance is astounding.

Even for an American.


i second that.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


There was some sort of attack on 9/11 that killed 3000 people? wow, I never heard about this. That damn liberal media managed to squash that story completely.


Can you tell me more about this left-wing liberal media? Or is that just another Fox News talking point?



That's a documentary. And very mild and careful towards Islam.

Q: What happens if you get a gigabyte? A: It Megahertz!


what has the "actual" ismlam to do with it? wanna talk about atrocities done in the name of judeism, hindusism and most and foremost christianity?

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


The actual Islam?

Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 484: - “Allah said, ‘A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.’”

Muslim (19:4321-4323) - Three separate hadith in which Muhammad shrugs over the news that innocent children were killed in a raid by his men against unbelievers. His response: "They are of them (meaning the enemy)."

Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 992: - "Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah."

Tabari 9:69 "Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us" The words of Muhammad, prophet of Islam.

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"


and now fill in bible quotes of the same caliber of your choice. ^^

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


"and now fill in bible quotes of the same caliber of your choice"

Why? The topic is about Muslims targeting and slaughtering kindergarten children, not about violent passages in the Old Testament. Just thought I would post these quotes from Allah and the prophet of Islam that contradict your assertion that the slaughtering of innocent children was not "actual ismlam", since you obviously know very little about "actual ismlam".


so, passages in the koran, that are inhumane when taken literally count, but the same ones in the bible don't? how convenient. ^^

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


You're one of those morons that justify anything and everything citing that others do it, and leaving it open ended. Are you saying that Christians do wrong so it's okay that Islam does, or some simple blanket statement that everyone does wrong and the world keeps going? It's pathetic your type feels some sort of victory in this method.



the OP basically says: oh, our torturing is of no matter, because muslims do bad things also. republican tactics basically.

i find it amusing, that you get so emotionally involved though.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


No need. The world already has for centuries.
So when Islam does the same then she will the right to speak out. Otherwise just shut up. Everyone is sick of hearing it. You have committed so much horror on the world it is not even capable of being recorded properly.
So no. Start with your own religion. Then move onto someone else.
But at the end of the day it doesn't matter who did the worse stuff. If it happened it happened. Does it still happen? Is it normal for than religion or is it abnormal? Does the religion naturally encourage a certain type of thinking or does it have to be twisted to get there?
Those are the real questions. And sadly Islam fails them all.
There are 1.8 billion Muslims. Plus the entire western liberal world. So you have a lot of propaganda power. And that is all we are seeing. No real justifications for anything. No real answers. Just more intimidations.
But here is the funny point people forget. There are only about 25% of muslins who are extreme. This means that there is a huge silent majority who are peaceful
This also means there are about 300 million of them that want to kill you. That is one in four. Nice odds huh. So the silent majority might be nice, but that makes no difference. None whatsoever. They are irrelevant to what is happening. 300 million people who are hell bent on destroying the western world. Add to that 1.5 billion silent people who wont lift a finger to help and would most likely aid the extremists if it was a choice between us. Then add the liberals and their ignorant brainwashed garbage. And you have a huge problem on your hands. For not only do muslims want to kill the western world they want to dominate everyone else. E.g phillipians is a classic example of what happens when you let them in. So no. Islam losses on any criteria of humanity. They simply act out of hatred and vengeance. That is what the religion is. Nothing more.


You are full of *beep* with your 1 in 4 statistic.


"300 million of them that want to kill you"

yeaaah, if that ratio be true, then there would not be a western world as we know it anymore. 300 million brown people would kick the whole worldwide cracker's populations butts in an instant.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


lol what day dream are you living in? Do you think the western world ruled the world by chance? They won because 3000 soldiers could take over countries of millions simply because no one could beat them. No one! Not any army in the world. Not any people in the world. Ever. The west starting losing because of ideology that taught them to care about the rest. A fact that people these days like to hide under all types of agendas and propaganda. How did a company of Spaniards defeat millions of Aztec... hmm. better soldiers, better fighters, better God if you hold a general African view.
Every people groups, from tribe to nation has done the same or tried to do the same and done more of and worse atrocities. IT was only the west that ever faced up to them and started making a change. Your so called brown people, which is racist as hell by the way, and just goes to show that the wests focus on racism is just a waste of time, would not stand a chance. IT has always bene the case, when the west unites and stops its internal bickering they massacre the enemy. Happened to Rome, happend to greece, happened to persia, etc etc. Right now the west is bickering. And maybe by the time they stop it will be to late. But it will be to late because by their own polices, not because someone else beat them. A policy of letting every other nation on earth 'invade' your own country is the most retarded concept ever. The world laughs at the west. Not to their face, as that would take honesty, but behind their backs like the cowards they are. Taking all they can get from a giants carcass as it sleeps. Like cockroaches trying to eat the scaps off a sleeping men. Nothing the west has done is any worse than any other nation on this planet has ever done. Yet it the first of any nation to start ot self loath and feel guilty and do something about it. And the world will never be grateful. But sadly people in the west think that people saying nice things about them means something when really those same people are just skimming the cream and laughing the whole time.
And yes those stats are correct. Islam tried to and came close in destroying the west. for 400 years the west did nothing in retaliation. As nation after nation fell to Islam. To the point that Islam boasted that no Christian could ever try and set to sea on a plank that Islam wouldn't burn and then butcher the Christian. After this amount of time and this amount of cruelty the result eventually came. A holy crusade to answer the jihad. And still the Christians showed mercy. They never did to Islam what Islam had done to the ME countries, which were Christian. to north Africa which was Christian and to southern Europe which was Christian. Let alone start mentioning what they did to Malaysia, after stealing the already set up trade routes by the west. The killed and stole and lied and cheated their way all the time. Mass genocides committed non stop. Slavery that goes into the 100 of millions, only ending officially in 2007, yet amnesty and UNICEF know that slavery is still alive and well. And the west only took so long to react because there fundamental beliefs were Christianity, a true religion of peace. it took them that long to really grasp the idea that they would have to fight massive war. That everything that Islam promised was a lie, as is consistent with taqiyya (lie to infidels if not just allowed by expected) As is the problem now. And no there was no golden age that gave the west medicine etc. There could have been a true golden age if Islam while conquering the western nations of the middle east, did not burn all the libraries and any documents. By the time they had finished a reported percentage of 10% could be recovered and only because of the Christians and jews that had survived because they agreed to pay massive taxes or converted to Islam under fear of death. Theses were your great medicine of the middle easts Islam golden age.
So no. Get off your high horse and look at facts.


"They won because 3000 soldiers could take over countries of millions simply because no one could beat them."

hahahahahaha. yeaaaah.

"Get off your high horse and look at facts."

oh, the irony.

quality over quantity, buddy. ;)

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


The story disappeared because it wasnt American children who were killed, it was Russian. If it had been American children it would have been all over the news for months, some innocent country would have had the *beep* bombed out of and 10 years later we'd be all standing around misty eyed next to flags commemorating their deaths and swearing to never forget the tragedy. Last time I checked the US were meant to be the good guys, so news that theyre not tends to be of interest until Fox can quash it.


Should we try to figure out your clever username?

How about a movie that illustrates the truth in every statement in this thread?

It could be called "How Soon We Forget" and it would do heart-rending dramatizations, each with enough character development to make us care about those involved, of every sickening, evil, violent plague visited upon the human race by religious idiots.

Do a bit about the crusades, the inquisition, the salem witch hunts, The enslavement and genocide of the native American peoples (justified by religious idiots' misreading of scripture), the enslavement and multiple subsequent attempts at genocide of African Americans (justified by religious idiots' CORRECT reading of scripture), the KKK, the holocaust (though the Nazi's religion was basically nationalism, it was a religion) and yes, the Oklahoma City Bombing (the patsy McVeigh, was a self-described atheist, but the main conspirators were identity Christians), the bombings of the IRA, the rise of the Taliban (under the fawning eyes and money supplied by Reagan and Bush Sr.) the creation of Al Qaeda (from that same seed money and the trained militia Reagan/Bush provided the Taliban) and their killing spree, and then there's catholic pedophile scandal, thought not as overtly violent, just as damaging.

But wait...there's more...even today! There is a religious element to the Russian/Ukrainian conflict, there's no mistaking the religious idiocy involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and can we try to dramatize the pain inflicted on the working people of the U.S. by the religion of Capitalism aka Money Worship?

The massacre at Beslan was a tragedy no one with a human heart will ever forget. I wouldn't OPPOSE a dramatization, but the documentary (did YOU see it?) was well-done and you can't really top the real voices and real tears of the real victims interviewed so soon after the attack. When TWO dramatic re-enactments of the Flight 93 story came out, it became a bit of "overkill", even leading some to speculate it was a cover-up and the real story was that Flight 93 was shot down by a Navy jet ala TWA Flight 800.

A dramatic film about Beslan will be less likely the more time passes. How soon we forget.
Love is like breathing. You have to take some in and let it out to live.
