MovieChat Forums > Save the Date (2012) Discussion > I can see why people might not like it.....

I can see why people might not like it... but...

Its really good. I mean, there are a lot of dramadies like this out there but this one just feels like they got it right. It could have done with a better ending but at the same time i see why they went this way.

The whole movie is about that nothing is perfect and we can waste away trying to be perfect, but really we just need to be happy. At least thats what i took away from it.

There were a few moments where i was wondering why certain plot points were needed (parents divorce), but im pretty sure it was just to support the above stated meaning (Alison Brie's character said she loved her parents perfect marriage, only for it to be falling a part).

The acting was superb. I am willing to admit my bias as a fan of Alison Brie, Kaplin, and Martin Starr. Hell, everyone in this movie I can tie to another movie I love.

What really shines in this film is that the dialogue, while a little "hip" is just real. Ive had these conversations, I know where the writer was when he wrote these lines, or where the actors were coming form when the ad-libbed them.

This movie wasnt perfect, but it didnt need to be. It was shot really well, acted really well, and paced very well. I cant really say anything else.


Couldn't have said it better.

And you always looked up.
Or be the one looking down.


If we put aside the misleading marketing (as a Romantic Comedy), I can see why a lot of people are put off by this film, too. It's not a very uplifting film in any sense of the word.

-The main characters (played by Lizzy and Alison) are self-absorbed, immature and basically embody all of the negative qualities you hope people their age would have grown out of by now, but for some reason these two haven't.

-They keep screwing up, but there is no magic redemption, or Deus Ex Machina that ties everything up in a nice, neat little bow at the end. They start out damaged people, make things worse and then it just ends, literally!

-The most "offensive" thing about the movie is... It apparently mirrors a lot of contemporary 20-Something real life relationships!

I am well beyond that age, but if this is the case, I can see why no one wants to spend 96 minutes looking into a mirror of how bad their lives might be when they would rather escape to something else that isn't so raw.

Even with that said, I still liked the movie because it is one of those rare movies among the thousands of standard movies that takes risks and offers an alternative to the fairy tale, life-is-beautiful movies that usually make up this genre.

At the end there is a glimmer of hope, and I think it ends on the right note eve if it is abrupt and jarring.
