Who cares if it's fake?

They're still gonna make new episodes. Regardless if it's fake or not, it's entertaining. That's why I watch it. It could be fake, with how nearly every owner of the towed car comes right as they're about to tow it off, or certain characters come in right at the perfect time (i.e. Perez coming in after Christie tells Robbie he's married, then again when the electricity goes out, he shows up right on cue). So who cares if it's fake? It's a tv show, they can do anything they want with it.


I think people don't like being played for fools by the slimeball Producers of this garbage... most people now agree that all these so called "Reality" shows are fake, scripted Soap Operas and Sit-Coms... you said it yourself.. "it's entertaining"... maybe it's time to stop calling it "Reality"... since it has as much to do with "Reality" as does an episode of the FLINTSTONES ... and start calling it what it is, and always has been... a cheaply produced Sit-Com... maybe some people would actually watch it then.... beside the handful of Nielsen TV Viewers that now watch it to give it it's extrapolated, estimated several hundred thousand Viewers....

"I don't argue with idiots, they bring me down to their level and beat me with experience"


I don't care that its fake so much as it just bugs the ever loving shyt out of me whenever anyone opens their mouth and acts all tough about how they're the hardest shyt in the towing world when really who gives a *beep*. Its a truly stupid annoying show - and not "Haha look at how this persons life is being ruined cuz they're stupid and everyone is going to be making fun of them" annoying, more like "oh look theyre shouting and overreacting again about...towing..." annoying


The problem isn't just that it's fake, it's that it's so obviously fake. The few reality shows I've really enjoyed were at least good at blurring that line. Think about what you're watching. Bad actors pretending to be upset that their cars were towed. That's really what you find entertaining?

It's an insult to all the talented people that never get their pilots picked up or all the shows that got cancelled too early


".....It's an insult to all the talented people that never get their pilots picked up or all the shows that got cancelled too early"

AGREED !!!!!! That just about says it all...

"My new policy..you don't agree with what I say.. GFY and welcome to my Ignore List"


They do a good enough job to the point where I just pay attention to the plot of the episode. That's mainly why I find it entertaining, is because of the plot each episode.


A lot of folks obviously watch the show as it is up for yet another season.

The History Channel already tried a real honest to goodness "reality" repo show.
It revolved around a guy and his son who operated "Jam Recovery". No re-enactments, no staged ops. One of the most boring shows you could ever watch.
Real repo men have very little real drama in their workday.
REAL repo men rarely get caught repossessing a vehicle.
REAL repo companies rarely repossess vehicles during broad daylight.

And no one is going to watch 30 minutes or an hour of guys quietly sneaking up to homes and businesses and towing a car off without incident.

A long time friend of mine that works for a local recovery company told me that he saw more crap happen in one episode of SBT than he experienced in 10 years in the business.

Frankly I don't see how anyone could believe SBT is in any way true to life.


I do know most of SBT isn't real, and are actors doing reenactments. But since I know nothing about the towing/repo business, I find it entertaining to watch cause it feels like an actual show with actors, not reality TV.


exactly! I just started watching it tonight - they are having a marathon - and I gotta say I haven't laughed this hard in months!!! I am hooked! (no pun intended)


I agree.I've watched this & lots of "Reality Shows" for years.I couldn't care less what is fake.All TV is fake anyway(Even wrestling).If it's entertaining...I'll watch.

Semper Fidelis


If you don't mind being taken for a SUCKER, maybe it's because...



I really do feel sorry for the people who like this show.. "Who cares if it's fake?" Seriously? That's the whole idea with these kind of shows. One must be so incredibly stupid, yeah that's right; so ******* stupid you got to be to like this show. Sit down and think about that remark. Reflect upon it, and then realize...


What am I supposed to realize? That this show is stupid? Just cause you say it is? Ohhhh, okay didn't know that. Maybe you need to realize to really grow up. Opinions like that will almost always do jack sh*t to the people you're talking to. So how about instead of me reflecting upon it and realizing, how about you do that instead okay? And when you do, get back to class, surely you don't want to miss recess.


So that means you don't watch any movies than???? As there fake aren't they????



Movies are not the same thing. Those are actors not pretending to be real people, telling a story (most of the time) about fiction. This is a reality show with actors, made to look like real life. And referring back to what I said in the first post, who gives a crap if it's fake? It's entertaining and meant to tell a story. Unless you were talking to the other guy, I'm sure he watches movies too.


Movies are the same (if you believe this show is fake) often times the actors are pretending to be real life people that is what they get paid to do.



alright well let me generalize what I was saying in one sentence: acting is fake. Everyone knows that. But really, who cares? No matter popularity of the show, people will watch it.


If it isn't "Reality" don't palm it off as "Reality"... call it what it is, SitCom, Crime Drama, Soap Opera.. whatever... that way there would be no discussion as to whether it's "fake" or "not fake".

Calling this crap "Reality", causes some people to take it serious...

"My new policy..you don't agree with what I say.. GFY and welcome to my Ignore List"


Exactly. They act like 99% of they favorite shows aint FAKE.


First of all, anyone who thinks any so-called reality show isn't scripted/acted out is a fool. As far as SBT, it's clear that they are not even trying to fool anyone into thinking it is real, by how obvious everything is.

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.


I came here to agree with the OP until I saw "could be fake"

The simple fact you think it "could" be fake and isn't "100% no doubt about it, you'd have to have severe mental disabilities if you think it's real" I knew I was dealing with someone with extremely low intelligence. God bless you OP and the struggles you endure everyday dressing yourself, eating, and the like.

Twitter: FBSportsguy


Dumb *beep* s ....it's just a TV show. ...who cares


I know it's fake. The more I watched it and realized it got really dramatic and kind of ridiculous I doubted any of it was real and looked up more research to see that the show is indeed actors portraying "real" situations. God bless you too, and the struggles you go through with acting like a douche.


It's obvious that its fake but is entertaining.

Face book http://www.facebook.com/lynn.ann.9
