MovieChat Forums > The Lost Language of Cranes (1992) Discussion > No discussion here at all? Clearly an un...

No discussion here at all? Clearly an underappreciated film!

Great performance by Brian Cox as the father.

It's a hard film to watch because it's painful to see the anguish they are experiencing.


I agree. I love this film. It's probably my favorite gay-themed film and it's mostly due to Brian Cox. His character is very appealing and I can't tell you how PLEASED I was when he got together with Richard Warwick. At first I didn't recognize this incredibly handsome, sweet, masculine, sexy man, and after I watched the movie, I looked him up and found out he was my favorite boy from "If...." Sweet, adorable boy becomes sweet, hot (and still adorable) man. And Richard was gay in real life, too. Sigh...

Great movie.

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna


I have this on tape Mr. H. Another black strike against controlling, cold, b!tchy and aloof mothers who don't understand or have a freakin' clue about male sexuality.

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪
