Whyyyyyyyyyyy *spoilers*


I loved this movie it's probably one of if not my favorite vampire movie ever actually. I wish it wasn't as short, and they did more with it, but it was the best one in a lot of ways. It wasn't over-done or under-done on how they portray how vampires are. It was super accurate. I hate when they add powers vampires don't originally have, and make it so stupid. Or modify/change powers or take away the most original classic ones (Example: Twilight)

This movie shows why Twilight and movies like it are so effing stupid and bad.

But my WHY, the only thing that I hated, was how Paoulo had sex with Mimi in the shower. If he was TOTALLY in full trance mode it wouldn't bother me so much--but she said "If part of you didn't want me, I never would have been able to do this so easily." or something to that effect. So it shows he did lust for her. Which sucks because I really enjoyed his romance with Djuna. They were perfect and has such a fantastic relationship/story. I didn't think that was necessary. I like in films where the romance is so great you can't help but have that person no matter what. They were drawn to each other from first eye contact and it went beyond lust. He still felt like he had to be with her even when he chained her to the bed and she proved she was a vampire. Which like come on, as pretty as she is, and I am sure guys think she looked hot in that scene cause she is hot, if most guys saw a pretty girl turn into a vampire and knew their lives were at risk theyd be like ok peace out, there's other hot girls who aren't vampires. And she didn't put him in any trance. I like in movies when couples that have that kind of "it was meant to be" thing going on keeps up solidarity.

Like if they had to do something like why didn't they have her try seduce him and fail? It just sucked that it happened. It kinda sucks that he realized how immoral and cruel Mimi really was and was still physically attracted to her. Even if she wasn't as bad as she was, you'd think of he had such a powerful love with Djuna, enough to become and spend eternity with her, that he would naturally already not lust over another woman so much that when a vampire puts you in a powerful trance that still needs the other person wanting it or it wont completely work or work as easily, that he just totally didn't even put up any kind of fight. And besides that ---hopefully already have that innate loyalty of already not being into your lovers siblings. I have dated guys where their brothers are hot but I am so in love with my BF it doesnt matter and they are already subconsciously not attractive to me because its my boyfriends sibling and that's not cool.

When Mimi was saying a guy must be pretty psychotic if he wants to turn into a vampire, it would have been interesting to see like, his true colors come out and that he actually is someone angry which is why he was cool with being a vampire and it would make more sense for him to cheat........or go to the dark side with the darker vampires like Mimi and the movie could have taken a different turn, but he remained a pretty calm, nice guy even after he cheated, and he was honest. So he wasn't dark or angry or have mental issues to be ok with "having the life sucked out of him" so I thought it was out of character and also kind of a slap in the face to the romance they were trying to portray in the film. It almost ruined the movie for me because its supposed to be such a strong romance. But the movie actually focuses more on Mimi corrupting people than it did the romance. But it would have been awesome if she seduced him in the shower, and he woke up from the trance and said "Get the eff away from me" I get they added that scene because hes hot and the actress who plays Mimi is beautiful and they knew lots of people probably wanted to see Mimi nude and get it on with someone super hot. But they could have made his character stop it when he realized what was going on and kept that solidarity of his love for Djunda unharmed.

Oh well. Other than that, great film in almost every other way. The scene with Mimi dying was awesome. Even though it was CGI it still looked really cool and it sucked me in so much that I could (not sympathize because it was her karma) but feel her pain and watching her struggle to get to the house felt realistic. More realistic than theyve had other vampires die. I've seen them immediately turn to ash like in Interview with a Vampire which is another good vampire movie --but the vampires deaths were lame and cliche and too fast. Like with decapitation or burning from a cross and dying immediately etc etc. It made sense to watch her start burning slowly and not just turn to ash or a ball of flames. The struggle was real lol. And the maid not helping her was awesome. The whole scene had a really raw creepy feel to it, and even though it's total fiction--- like a freaking "Vampire" which we know don't exist dying.... it felt like I was watching a slow painful death of a human in other films that show a good depiction of someone being torchered until they die.

Anyway I give it a 7/10. The 7 being that Paulo cheats. Booooo. And that I would have liked to see more of the romance and more of his struggle with going from human to vampire and that there was a blatant plotole (not a huge deal) but Mimi told Xenia after she set it up for Xenia to kill someone to manipulate her into helping her get a place in the city that she would help her with the mess and I am pretty certain she said she would get rid of the body. Xenia didn't speak but it was basically Mimi saying "I own you now" but she didn't help her get rid of the body. And Xenia was highly respected and her word over Mimi's would have been enough for her not to get in trouble/ruin her reputation in the vampire community, so because Mimi did absolutely nothing to help her, right after she said she would help her she just walked out the door and left --I dont get how or why she thought she had leverage over Xenia. I know Xenia felt super guilty and thats why she was just standing there but they made it seem like she also said nothing cause she was thinking oh no now I have to do this and that for Mimi or I am in deep shi* when really she wouldnt have been.

K opinions over. :) sorry so long! wow


I agree. The fact he slept with Mimi left a sour taste in my mouth. I suppose it was to show the strength of his and Djuna's bond; that she could drain and kill his agent, going against everything she stands for, and him sleeping with her sister whom she is at odds with and cheating.


Everyone succumbed to temptation in this. Paolo being seduced by Mimi. Xenia not being able to resist human blood when Mimi brought the young virgin fan to her. And Djuna killing Paolo's friend/agent Ben. But Ben and Paolo still chose each other at the end, even after confessing their transgressions. And maybe it's unfair to expect Paolo to be able to resist Mimi who is shown to be a powerful vampire (more powerful than Djuna). And maybe unfair to expect Xenia to hold to her no-human blood diet, given the way Mimi brought something she knew Xenia would be unable to resist. I'm not sure what Djnua's excuse is, why was Paolo's agent so irresistible that she had to kill him?

I enjoyed the Paople and Djuna romance as well and bought it. And I think the story showed their love was true and strong enough to get past the bumps.
