Good Movie, Weird Ending

Really liked the movie but am I evil in wishing Skyler died in the car accident? It would have been a certain amount of karmic justice. Because I'm sorry, I really don't have a forgiving nature and think the Skyler AND her mother deserved whatever they got. As well as Claire - especially Claire since she was supposedly Dina's best friend. But it also did a nice job with parallels - where both Dina and her Mom got bullied by the same two girls and both Dina and her mom had their best friend betrayed them in the worst possible way.

How can she forgive Claire at the end when ALL OF THIS was her fault? One kind act at the end doesn't make up for it. But where the heck was Dina's father in all of this?


How can she forgive Claire at the end when ALL OF THIS was her fault? One kind act at the end doesn't make up for it.

Umm, it wasn't Claire's fault, she didn't send the text and from what I remember about this movie she didn't "bully" Dina. All she did was tell the coach about the text, which had consequences for the entire team - I didn't disagree with that, while I'm not saying that Dina deserved to get the nasty texts and the other teasing that she got, she did deserve to get kicked off the team, it was against the rules and teens have to know there are consequences to their actions.
