MovieChat Forums > Lilyhammer (2014) Discussion > 2 questions about Episode 1

2 questions about Episode 1

I have 2 questions. Maybe I'm supposed to dismiss these things as - well, it's just a TV show. But I had problems understanding at least 2 things that happened.
And, what follows could be considered spoilers - so don't read on if you havn't seen it yet.

1- How did they track that wolf? And in the middle of the night, no less. They had some kind of smartphone app - called Wolf Finder I guess. What, you tell Siri to find the nearest wolf and it starts beeping when you get near it? Unless there was a tracking device on the wolf already - pretty far fetched.

2- Why did the witness to the illegal hunting recant his story, just because little Stevie pulled his own hat back? I must have missed something there.
edit: just read another thread and saw the answer to this. Yeah, I missed the fact that the witness was the guy on the train who had his hat snatched. Still, it's proposterous.

I must have missed some other thing too - like how he suddenly got fluent enough in Norwegian to start understanding everyone without translations. I guess that's to be expected - it's just that there was nothing noted about his sudden proficiency in a tongue that would be quite alien to a wiseguy.


Nearly all wolves in Norway are in fact fitted with gps tracker. So this is not far fetched at all.


This show is like a comic strip. It isn't really that literal.


Pretty much this, I'm surprised at how many people are taking this series very seriously. I mean yeah the show isn't completely unrealistic, but it's also obvious that they're also trying to be a little bit slap stick and silly. Which is exactly why I fell in love with the show, it's a very strangely blended dark comedy that also has a lot of heart.

Because sponges never have bad days.


I agree ! The people hating on this show need to get gone. It's a funny show, and I love it. To each his own, I know, but really ! Don't overanalyze or try to make it into something it isn't. It's fun ! Enjoy!


Also it's so heavily's a send up on mobsters, on racism, gender politics, and all the "isms."

Johnny as the fish out of water can make fun of things he doesn't understand and almost gets away with it.

It's a HUGE send up of all kinds of things in society.

Think "Monty Python" in Norway!

That's why it's so brilliant in a lot ways---satire on this level doesn't often get made in American tv shows, in fact, almost never.

That's why folks watching it don't immediately get the parody and heavy satire that's going on--because we don't have it much in the U.S. anymore. There's heavy handed mockery on shows these days, but not the same thing as intelligent satire, of course.

That's why I love it. Monty Python move over! LOL


#2 The guy who recanted was the fellow on the train who had his hat taken by the young hooligan.


In regards to his understanding Norwegian, Johnny is seen with his earphones on every chance he gets listening to Norwegian language lessons. I guess he is a fast learner, lol!


Yep, it's that easy! I have the same tapes (CDs) for Norsk that "Frank" was apparently using. 16 lessons and you can adequately snakke Norsk (speak Norwegian). We spent 21 days in Norway in Oct 2013 and most all of the Norwegians we encountered could swap back and forth and did swap back and forth between English (British) and Norwegian. It was like both languages were the native language. Norway gets a lot of British TV all subtitled in Norsk.


And you'll notice that he doesn't really speak it that well, or hardly at all. However, its way easier to understand a foreing language than it is to speak it, if anyone has studied a foreign language in any way they'd know this. I don't speak spanish very well, but after a little lessons (first year spanish in high school) I can catch most of what people are saying in spanish.


In one of the early episodes, Johnny (Frank) says that his father is Norwegian, so that finally explained why he could understand the spoken language. Regarding the wolf tracker beeping signal, I thought it was silly but just dismissed it. I wondered how they knew that the wolf they were tracking was the correct wolf.


In one of the early episodes, Johnny (Frank) says that his father is Norwegian, so that finally explained why he could understand the spoken language.

That's part of his cover story to explain his invented surname. His father isn't actually Norwegian. His only actual connection with Norway is that he liked the look of Lillehammer when he watched the 1994 Olympics on TV.


Molotov in season 3 is way more unrealistic :D
