MovieChat Forums > Lilyhammer (2014) Discussion > Am I the only one that didn't like seaso...

Am I the only one that didn't like season 3?

The show got really weird in season 3. We also got a few additional annoying characters along with the hallucinations and untimely deaths. The way some of the characters were acting just seemed very out of place to me. If there's a season 4 it feels like they're all just going to get wacked like in the Soprano's. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, I just didn't enjoy it as much as the previous seasons.

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


The whole series is weird, and it gets weirder and weirder. So far it has been the right way to go.

The way some of the characters were acting just seemed very out of place to me.
I'm Norwegian, and I view many of the characters as utter caricatures "Norwegian" traits, so far out that it's just comical and nothing else.
For example Jan: The actor, Fridtjov Såheim, is a top notch character actor, and he's managed to put incredible depth into this little oddball of a character. There are loads and loads of tiny references to Norwegian society and culture as he messes about.

In Cod we trust.


I like the fact that the show is done this way. It feels more authentic and new to me. Jan and Torgeir are perfectly done. Since you're Norwegian, I have one question for you, do you guys really put snuff/chewing tobacco in your upper lip?

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


I have one question for you, do you guys really put snuff/chewing tobacco in your upper lip?
Yes, it is rather common, even some women do it. However, the Swedes are worse! :D

In Cod we trust.


I had to ask because I'm a Texan born and bred and out of all the people I've seen use chew or snuff, I've never seen anyone including myself use their upper lip. haha seeing the female cop do it was pretty funny. Not only because she's a woman but because she used her upper lip, it's strange to me. But that's what I like about it.

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


Snus is different from chewing tobacco, you never chew the Snus, you only put it under your lip, and if using portion bags it never gets messy either.


so snuff is snus in scandanavia, and portions are bandits in the u.s., the portions in the u.s. are more for beginners to us, I wouldn't get caught here with it, but it's less of a mess I guess

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


In my country "Snuff" is the tobacco you snort actually, just google "Swedish Snus" and you'll find the ones im talking about.


In Cod we trust.


Personally I found it to be a vast improvement over the second season, specifically in terms of most of the characters (Jan and Sigrid for example were barely noticeable presences last year, so it was a pleasure to see both of them get elevated screentime/development this time around)

I wish the police chief had maintained a prominent role though. She was a main character in the first season and then all of a sudden her prominence dropped dramatically. With Seasons 2 and 3 combined, I think she was only in like three episodes. Bleh. I loved her, so it kinda pisses me off.

"All in the game..." - Omar Little


yeah I didn't like the way the police kinda disappeared in season 3, I really hated losing deputy Gaur, the new cop wasn't used much either, the trusty police chief-and gullible commissioner relationship was entertaining to me, now Jan is gone and that's a big void, well unless he's not dead

anyway, I'm glad it's on netflix, I have to rewind it pretty often because the caption goes by so fast

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


It started to get weird in season 2.

I did not like the weird CGI effects in season 3. Season 3 picked up for me towards the later episodes.

If I wasn't from Jamaica, then why would I be wearing this hat?


I'm near the end of S3 now, and fast becoming disillusioned with the show. There are still some nice moments, but I feel overall it's lost its way. It's all feeling very repetitive and desperate - most of the new characters are pointless (apart from Torgeir's girlfriend) and/or totally unlikable - and the whole Brazil strand seemed to be the beginning of the end. I feel like the hallucinations and increasingly ridiculous plot points are cheapening the show - sure, it was always a comedy, but initially seemed at least fairly rooted in reality. Even Frank is becoming a little annoying and repetitive. A great show which has sadly lost its way, in my opinion.


Watching season 3 now. Give us a break with the women that Johnny gets. I mean Sigrid was fine, but then Tiril and Alex? Lol This old man/young woman act is getting old.
