MovieChat Forums > Lilyhammer (2014) Discussion > What the hell is this *beep*

What the hell is this *beep*

Do they speak to each other in different languages all the way up to season 4? This alone makes this show completely ridiculous.


There's 3 series.
And what exactly do you mean? The
Majority of the show is spoken in Norwegian as most of the characters are Norwegian because the show is mainly set in... You guessed it.. Norway
Hope that cleared things up a bit


Ah unless you mean the fact that Johnny speaks in English as he's an American whilst he is often spoken to in Norwegian.. In which case its not uncommon for people to understand a language better than they can speak it.
Johnny had always been interested in moving to Lillehammer and possibly had a vague grasp of the language before going into witness protection there


This alone makes this show completely ridiculous.

So you have no experience in cross-linguistic communication, and little idea of what does and does not qualify as ridiculous. In other words, you don't know a damn thing and don't have a valid opinion.

Gotcha. Thanks for the heads up.



You have no idea what you're talking about. Little advice know the person you judge otherwise you would be revealed as a presumptuous idiot which would make you even more butthurt than you already are. So relax sweetness.


CrownVic, I'm sure if you asked them nicely they could make the whole thing in Norwegian, with English subtitles.

How would that work for you?

If only I had a "sarcasm" emoticon ........


That also annoyed the crap out of me but I just turned closed captioning on & it really helped.


This is pretty common. Vastly exaggerated of course, like everything else in the series, but it happens all the time. Foreigners are generally slower learning to speak Norwegian than to understanding the language when spoken to, and Norwegians generally speak English. Hence, for a period the immigrants might answer in English when spoken to in Norwegian, because they know they will be understood.

In Cod we trust.


This is for most European country's now a days, it is 2015 if you dont speak two languages in Europe ..something ain't right.
