MovieChat Forums > Lilyhammer (2014) Discussion > Sorry, but I hated Franks girlfriend

Sorry, but I hated Franks girlfriend

she was ok at first, but at the end she acted completely idiotic and unreasonable, tantamount to an utterly spoiled kid. the irony of it all is that her son was more logical than she was. her attitude, tone, and ridiculous judgement calls really made me happy that she was gone at the end of the season. it sucks for poor Frank, but he's better off without such a spoiled bitch like her in his life. of course, i know she'll be back since they have a child on the way, but ugh.

other than that character, show was great!


I don't know how to break this to you, but her boyfriend - the mobster who was rarely home - wasn't excactly a picnic himself (from a relationship point of view). :P


I agree with you Renaldo, for the most part. I think the OP misconstrued the Sigrid character. I will concede on thing however. It was out of character for her to be so insistent that he buy their twins a $16,000.00 stroller. It was as though she played a very humble, non-materialistic person up to that point, but at the store she had an 'I-know-you're-rich-pay-for-it' attitude that was most unappealing. Form then on Frank really did step out of line (in both known and unknown ways) with Sigrid. So I don't blame her for dumping him. And her son is 12 with a marginally present father. naturally, he would be drawn to Frank who gets him a slick suit, talks to him about women, teaches him to play poker, etc. That he likes Frank doesn't mean he has good judgment.


Woha the stroller didn't cost 16,000 DOLLARS but KRONERS - which is something completely different. Although I agree with her behaviour in the store, suddenly she wanted the most expensive thing there, but then again he was good at throwing money around - like the MacBook for her son. Hysterically funny, the scene where he got the kid to hold that super-pro-American speech on Norway's national day. That made me laugh out hard, and I'm Norwegian myself.


I think her behavior in the store is not unlike a lot of women that end up being mob wives. Lol


lmao good point!


Let me just make my selfe clear calvinjarret. I am from Norway and the stroller did not cost 16000 dollar. The price in Norwegian was 12000 NOK the same as 2000 dollars. I think you got the valuta all wrong....


She didn't seem that insistent to me. She said she wanted it. He said too much. She said she wanted it. He caved.

You have to remember, that she had been trying to discuss things with him and he never had time to hear even a full sentence, so she was making a decision that she felt was best for the babies, being side by side, and he was just being difficult without having any information.

Then he was still being difficult and broke it, so now he would have to buy two. If money was really that dear to him, I think he would have been more careful. I think she recognized that he wasn't thinking clearly in the store and said that they needed that stroller. Doing him a favor by keeping him on track.


Yeah, I think this is dependent on whether you consider Frank a good guy or not.

He lied to her 8 million times and didn't hold her in that much regard, clearly. It's a remnant of his own way of life where women were just sex objects. He educated the kid to think as such, which I thought would be a major dealbreaker towards the audience's relationship with Frank unless you're just very mysoginistic .

She was really one of the few people in town to stand up to him, oddly enough. I thought Jan or Julius would grow some bacbone.

I did think it was kind of a weakness that the sexual tension between the two was eliminated so early and his decision to WANT to be with her later on, when he didn't really used to have that kind of life style wasn't too well-explained.

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I love her! She is such a refreshing character, with plenty of charming contrasts (which makes her so interesting): for example, she seems so clueless, tranquil and almost boring at first sight, but later you see that in reality she is strong as nails. Or the fact that she looks like a typical mother/wife, but at the same time she is so sexy.
I hope they bring her back and the relationship between her and Frank is revived - they have an exceptional onscreen chemistry!


well u shoud know as 2day u cnt say h8 sum 1 bcos that is surly h8 spech and u shoud go 2 jail and even get fined and prolly ilegal!!! how cud u say such bad stuff on imbd site?????


I completely agree with you. When she was crying like a teenager about the stroller, I started to deeply dislike her. Very infantile character.


This is Europeans versus Americans. She does not fall at his feet in admiration, so she's bad. She wants the best for their kids, so she's suddenly materialistic.
He is never there and cannot even be reached, while she is very pregnant with his kids and her son is missing. Maybe that's acceptable to some men, but not to most women.


I'm european and luckily, not all women in europe are like her. she is not supposed to "fall at his feet in admiration", just to behave like an adult. someone who whines and cry for a baby stroller, knowing that the man she is with takes care of the bill, always, is a spoiled bitch. and she is "very pregnant" by her own choice. nobody forced her into having a baby.


"she is "very pregnant" by her own choice. nobody forced her into having a baby."


Yep, that's what I said...


I agree with the OP. The more I saw her, the more I disliked her. She seemed to have no substance whatsoever. Even going off the wall because her new boyfriend wanted to suck her breast milk...what's the big deal anyway? I would imagine most husbands do that at one point or another after their wives give birth. And even without that part, she just bugged me -- not because she didn't fall at Frank's feet, but because she was just a whiny, moody biatch.

Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you do. (The Last Kiss)

