MovieChat Forums > Lilyhammer (2014) Discussion > it kind of sucks that Netflix

it kind of sucks that Netflix

releases a whole season at once. I watched all 8 episodes of season 3 today.

I have no willpower. :-\


Yeah, I used to think having to wait a week just to see the next episode of a show sucked, this is worse in some ways. They at least need to make more episodes per season.


I kind of wish they'd only release 1 a week.

--push pause!


Yeah only 8 episodes sucks. I watched it over a couple days--unusual self control for me LOL. I didn't like the cliffhanger at the endtoo out of character for Sigrid and just too bizarre to wait a whole year


It's an awfully odd number, I know of shows that had only 8 episodes for the first season, like they were just doing a trial run and what-not, but then they'd bump the next seasons up to at least 13 episodes.

I wish it was like The Blacklist, that's an hour long show and they do 24 episodes per season.


It's hard to make 24 good episodes per season. I'd rather have quality over quantity.


Yeah, but this show is a Norwegian NRK original production. Netflix only bought it from them after it was aired in Norway, and in Norway they only sent one episode a week. Btw: Netflix bought Lilyhammer from NRK (the Norwegian government-owned radio and television public broadcasting company), and I understand that they obviously paid the film makers alot of money so they can implement their logo or name before the show starts, but wouldn't it be more precise to say "Netflix presents..." rather than "A Netflix Original Series"? I mean, it is not a "Original" series, is it? Why do they call it "Original" when it was aired in Norway way before it was "aired" (released) on Netflix? Just curious why Netflix even have the right to claim this when it was procuced in Norway, by Norwegians, for Norwegians. Netflix make it look like they produced it, when in reality they are more like a super market who bought a product from a producer. It would be the same as if 7/11 sold Coca-Cola with their a commercial saying: "A 7/11 Original Product". Do Netflix call it "Original" because it only airs through Netflix in America? In that case, I think they promote in this way to tricking people into believing that they produced it. Any how, the fact that it reach over 130 countries all over the world, is of course fun, but Netflix does not have anything to do with that (except of course some promotion).


I'm glad it's on at all. The networks have so much lame crap.


Yeah, it is too hard not to binge view their stuff. Orange..., Lilyhammer, House of Cards, I always watch the full seasons within 48 hours. I do wish they would make more than 8 eps for Lilyhammer though. It deserves 10, at least. But I'm not complaining. I suppose I just need to work on my self discipline and try to limit myself to only 2 or 3 eps a week.


yeah it's tough, the problem I have is I just want to see a few minutes of the next episode to see how things turned out but then I end up watching it all, releasing 2 or 3 episodes a week would be great

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


First world problems right here.

"We're getting our viewing material too fast..slow it down please." You really can't blame Netflix for you having no life.


I have a life. A very good life. One that has me working M-F so I can do whatever I want on the weekends. Netflix loaded this up on what happened to be a rainy few days here.

So stuff it.


I binge most tv shows anyway (instead of watching them as they air live) so it's not that big of a deal to me that Netflix releases all the episodes at once for each season.

"All in the game..." - Omar Little


:) I've watched all 3 seasons in a week. I love it though!


I love that they put all the episodes out at once. I watch so many shows and my memory isn't what it once was so its easier for me to watch them all in a couple of days. I don't forget things that have happened in the prior episodes. i just started watching this show from the beginning, it's pretty good. I can actually stop watching and go watch something else which I couldn't do with Orange Is The New Black. I'm on S2-EP-2. Probably will watch an episode or 2 each day until I am caught up.
