
I just read it was not renewed.


Disappointing, I really enjoyed this show. I guess not many people were watching it?


Season 3 was all over the place and so weird. Honestly I think they ran out of stuff to do. It got really political at points in season 3 also if you notice. I actually enjoyed the show overall but then again I like different stuff at times and I don't think this was to popular by the finale of the 3rd season.



In the case of Lilyhammer, if the rumours are correct, they ran out of funding, not stuff to do.


Wtf?! Netflix sucks! They have way worse shows: Bojack Horseman is just awful and unfunny but it gets renewed. That show developed by Eli Roth, the name escapes me, that's how terrible it is. The Kimmy Smidt or whatever. COME ON! Lilyhammer was amazing! Don't let it die!!!


Wtf?! Netflix sucks! They have way worse shows: Bojack Horseman is just awful and unfunny but it gets renewed. That show developed by Eli Roth, the name escapes me, that's how terrible it is. The Kimmy Smidt or whatever. COME ON! Lilyhammer was amazing!

Netflix got ripped off badly.. I can't blame them for no longer being the "scrooge mcduck" for a production-television company that didn't have any interests in helping their business.. but gladly taking their money 

It was all handled pretty badly.. maybe a good learning lesson for netflix? or a good firing lesson?

Don't let it die!!!

It's already dead.. they "the owners" don't have the money to pay for it.. and they burned netflix so it was DOA.. a year ago.


Netflix got ripped off badly..
Nope, NRK and Netflix had equal rights in Norway.
Netflix somehow went sour when NRK exerted their rights and aired all episodes on internet simultaneously, a thing NRK actually have learned from companies like Netflix . NRK, on their part, have never run a series for more than three seasons, so they couldn't care less when Lilyhammer was terminated.

For the heart life is simple. It beats as long as it can.


so they couldn't care less when Lilyhammer was terminated.
Exactly, that was the problem.. bye bye lilyhammer.. but netflix did get some kind of compensation though..


In addition to the luke-warm (at best) interest from NRK, the complexity of the agreements was a big obstacle. It was a mess, really.
Van Zandt addressed the time consuming negotiations as an important reason for him to give up the project. Even if they managed to save the series, the time gap between Season 3 and 4 would have been too long for comfort.

For the heart life is simple. It beats as long as it can.


No way ! I love this show ! Is this true ????

"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary"


Now that is a disappointment! I really did like this show.

The Divine Genealogy Goddess


Me too ! I'm watching it again on Netflix right now.

"The Lord Commander of Kingsguard Gabste of house Musgood"


Show has an 8.1 rating and gets canceled.


I know. I don't get it.

"The Lord Commander of Kingsguard Gabste of house Musgood"   🏄


I do.
Just because the people that do watch it give it a high rating, doesn't mean a lot of people actually watched it.
Unfortunately, quality gets you nowhere if you don't have the numbers behind it.


Such a shame, because the show is really easy on the eyes. The beautiful landscapes, the relaxed semi-comedy like atmosphere, quirky characters, smooth continuity, show doesn't take itself too seriously etc.

I'm finding it very easy to watch this a second time. And probably later down the road a third time. It might not be Breaking Bad but every episode is simply fun and entertaining to watch.
