MovieChat Forums > Lilyhammer (2014) Discussion > Frank's ex-wife is a slutty murderer

Frank's ex-wife is a slutty murderer

Anyone else hate her? She get's knocked up by 2 men she's known for very little time. Then, she kills the 2nd father after she knocked him out. I can understand hitting him, but drowning him? That was way too far. She shouldn't of left him in the first place. She chose him as a father for her baby. His issue wasn't that major. Bad, but he's not gambling away the house, or abusing drugs. A woman as ugly as her, should learn to deal.


She has children from three different men now. This doesn't make her slutty. This makes her a very fertile woman. Some women get pregnant by just the look from a guy.

Drowning her jackass boyfriend makes her a murderer, technically. That doesn't make her murderous. The point of that scene was to show how Frank's poisonous seed spreads and infects those around him. Another scene that vividly shows this was Torgier's blood clot episode in the club.

As far as liking her or not, she's basically a good person, and occasionally annoying. As a character, she's one of the less interesteing ones, and she show could have done without her for my taste.


Hey CrusinForBurgers, you should really look up how children are created, takes a lot more then a look ;-)

But they should really have taught Sigrid better about birth control in school, I mean three baby-daddies to four kids, that's not painting a very good picture of Norwegian women.

By the way he assaulted her, and he could be dead from the first hit to the head, so he would not have drowned and she had acted in clear self defence.

- Everyone keeps saying i'm paranoid, it must be a conspiracy.


(Do you have a breastfeeding fetish, is that why you're so mad?) LOL


Not at all. Sigrid is the best and she is pretty


He may not be gambling away the house etc but he's still fairly out there, wanking to breastfeeding porn etc after he'd told her he'd stopped with his fetish.

What's orange and sounds like a parrot?
A Carrot.


She broke it off with him and came home to find him in her bathtub. When she repeatedly asked him to go, he started calling her every bad name under the sun and she clearly had to defend herself. Apparently, you feel she shouldn't let a lovely guy like that go...


The thing I don't like about that subplot is that she was treating him like a freak just because of his milk fetish. I've dated girls with fetishes that I think are gross, but we just over-the-top thing that came about later.

Also, her actually drowning him is nuts--what a crazy b. After she hit him she could have just left.
