season 4?

season 3 was great, can't wait if they produce season 4.
anybody know?


Tell us SEASON FOUR is coming!!


Ferk, is Season 3 over already? I got to get downloading.


Netflix releases a show a whole season at once of all their shows.


Not all shows, but yes, a lot :)


I'd imagine there will be a 4th series. **SPOILER** we didn't get to see the aftermath of the breast milk obsessed perverts murder.

I hope so anyway, its a great show


that was such a bizarre thing to leave having, seems like there has to be another season. Sigrid will need to get back together with Johnny because he'll take care of it and she will be indebted.


he will take of it either way I think think no matter if they get together or not.


Does she need Frank to take care of it? Pervert was trespassing on her property at the time and he attacked her, so would there even be a serious police investigation if she reported it? It seems like cut and dry self defense to me. Although, I am only familiar with how things work in the US, I have heard that in Europe people don't have the same rights to self defense. Does anyone know if this would be considered murder in Norway?


I recon it would Be a hard sell..
A man she had a relationship with is in her house in a bath (of milk which would obviously seem strange) with candles and rose petals, is bashed over head and drowned in the bath.
I think it will need fixing, so here's hoping for a series 4!

Although the pervert murder is the 1 loose end I can think of


Another loose end is the "alter ego" of Torgeir who pops up in his bed at the very end.


Ah yes, I forgot about that!
There has to be a 4th series, its such an entertaining series.
Torgeir is the man, great character, great actor


There is also something to be resolved about Dag if I'm not mistaken.

Wait until they get a load of me.


And doesn't Roar still have to answer for all that missing cocaine?



I think Roar ended up stealing Torg's money that he set aside for the mortgage to cover the cocaine debt.


in e.g. denmark you may only use necessary self defence to stop the attack. however murdering a person is crossing the line in denmark.
if the attacker gets hurt e.g. he may sue you.


I was thinking the same thing. I would think it unlikely they're going to arrest a pregnant woman in that situation for murder. He attacked her and she momentarily lost her marbles, and probably has no history of such behavior or prior criminal record. But as you said, I don't know if Norway would see it that way. I don't know if a temporary insanity defense would work there. In this case I would still prefer to deal with the cops than make a deal with the devil (but hey, it makes for better television lol).


I have seem many post on Facebook saying that Season 3 was the last season, does anyone know?


what do you mean? they are only deleting the show's instagram cause in one of the episodes frank says social media is for fags. kinda stupid to do it though


It's not decided. Plenty of loose ends after the last episode of Season 3, but with these TV series you never know..

In Cod we trust.


I would lose a lot of respect, goodwill, and trust in Netflix if they cancelled the series now without a conclusive and satisfying ending. It's annoying but understandable when normal cable/network TV shows get cancelled, since ad revenue is directly tied to a show's ratings. But on Netflix, their shows are about making content to draw subscribers in over months and years. If they cancelled this one prematurely, they could easily do the same to other series, so I would honestly lose a lot of faith in their original programming altogether.

I don't mind if they decide to end it after X seasons so they can invest in other things, but they definitely need to give it a true conclusion so that we viewers won't feel shortchanged.


As I write this in August of 2016 it appears the series has been discontinued, which is a shame. I only just found it this year on Netflix and have watched 3 seasons of it twice now.
I thought it was a little bit of a weird show when I began watching it but got hooked on it right away and started binge watching it. There is much I like about it. It would be nice if they would continue it. Sometimes shows take a break and then continue shooting again after a year or so.
But something tells me they had decided to end the show at the end of the third season. The way they left it does allow for them to resume it again easily of course. But they also ended the season in a way which can be viewed as the completion of the story. Torgeir found his love and is moving away with her to farm (alpacas I think). Jan, the goofy giggling perv with no self control or character, and woman killer, was dealt with by the gang. Jan was a main recurring character and Torgeir was a main character in every episode, and both of them were no longer going to be around anymore (though certainly they could write Torgeir back into the show if it comes back). Having those two characters stories wrapped up and removed from Lilyhammer at about the same time suggests to me the writers got the word the show was cancelled and were trying to wrap things up (but without making it impossible to revive the show at some point).
I would love to see a fourth season and beyond. This comedy appealed to me. No matter how badly Johnny's screwball crew fouled things up, you always knew that Johnny could work out a solution and get things back on track in short order.
At times I thought the writers used the "screw up lackeys" meme a bit too much, but even so it didn't detract from the show.
These days it is a little odd to see a show which is not completely bound by political correctness. Johnny is not above using violence to solve a situation, though he is a reasonable guy and tries to resolve things by talking on the first try. Johnny though scoffs at liberal methods and attitudes of conflict resolution and prevention. He knows that crooks and con-men will walk all over you if you fail to demonstrate strength, resolve, and muscle. He dislikes and rejects the airy, make believe notions of the liberal, politically correct, multicultural and socialist utopians. He often encounters liberal minded non-confrontationalists and wins them over to his side by solving problems for them which they could not solve using their own methods. And it is funny to watch all of this. [I wonder, did the show wind up offending some leftist/liberal, politically correct people of influence, and was there pressure brought to bear on Netflix to cancel the show?]
The people in the show are caricatures of types: Johnny the Mafia conciliator, Torgeir and his brother are awkward guys who mostly strike out with women and seem to screw up nearly everything they touch or do, the Norwegian police/justice system is the liberal "kill em with kindness" approach with their politeness and hospitality toward criminals, and their apartment like prison cells, and so on. In this way the show pokes fun at everyone in an amusing way.
The show also mimcs famous scenes from hit Mafia movies, like the scene in The Godfather where Marlon Brando sits at his desk and receives people who come to him with problems they want him to resolve for them and then says "I do this as a kindness between friends, but there may come a day when I will call on you to repay a favor...", and many others. These homages always get a grin from me.
So everything in the show is a bit humorous, even while the protagonists are dealing with serious issues.
Sorry to see it go.


I would love a season 4...
But it won't be the same without Torgeir...


I would love a season 4...
But it won't be the same without Torgeir...

I'd imagine Torgeir would still be involved.

Wait until they get a load of me.


Not yet but with the ratings I can not see them letting it go.


Currently, there is a dispute between Netflix and NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Company) which threatens to terminate the whole thing.

Background: Season 1 and 2 were a collaboration between Rubicon (the production company) and NRK. Netflix and BBC, among others, bought the distribution rights abroad, from Rubicon.
Now, NRK usually distributes their programs on their internet pages (not accessible from abroad), which they also did with Season 3, distributed the entire season 3 online, also the episodes before they were aired.

Netflix didn't like that (having 1/5 of the Norwegian population as customers, losing money because of NRK's choices), however no agreements and regulations exists between NRK and Netflix - in Norway NRK rules, period.

So, now we'll see what happens, if they can come to any agreement. I think Van Zandt is important here - Netflix leaving is no catastrophe per se, however this will stop the distribution to the Americas, which Van Zandt would not like.

In Cod we trust.


I am waiting for this and Real Humans to be announced. Zzzzzzzzzzz


I'd bet Amazon Instant Video would like to pick up season 4. They are streaming all 3 seasons now...for a price of course.


I think this show is AWESOME but way under promoted. I've told several Sopranos fans about it, and they had never even heard of it. They LOVED it once they began watching. It's quirky and funny.

I also heard Netflix pissed off their Norwegian network partners but putting all episodes out before they had aired in Norway.

I certainly hope another season is made. I feel guilty because it's been my fallback show, when there's no new House of Cards, Orange is the New Black or Kimmy Schmitt available.


Everyone to told watched the show and got hooked. It is so much better than House of Cards OR Orange and Black. It's unique, intelligent, very funny, a great study of human nature and seriously well done. I just want more and more.


I also heard Netflix pissed off their Norwegian network partners but putting all episodes out before they had aired in Norway.

That is really unprofessional and stupid if Netflix really did do that. It's unacceptable for someone as big as them.


Seems there is an inverse story out there too: "Caught in the middle was local production company Rubicon TV. It had entered into a distribution agreement for the series with Red Arrow International that in turn struck a deal with Netflix. Netflix bought the rights to stream Lilyhammer in major markets around the world, including the US, and paid NOK 96 million (around USD 14 million) to do so. Netflix was thus extremely unhappy that NRK released all of this season’s episodes online when it aired the season premiere on October 29. That allowed Norwegian viewers to watch them all at once, or whenever they wanted, for free.

Lilyhammer 3 didn’t become available on Netflix outside Norway until November 21, and Norwegian Netflix customers must wait to see it until after NRK had aired the entire series. Netflix demanded its money back, reported DN, because NRK’s early release of the series cheapened the value of Netflix’ distribution deal, at least in Norway."


It boils down to a fight about the Norwegian market, where Netflix and the Norwegian Broadcasting Company (NRK) are competitors. NRK airing all episodes online was totally unexpected, however when I think about how important internet broadcasting is becoming, it makes sense.
On the other hand, Netflix being "unhappy" doesn't make sense, they got what they paid for. They appear grumpy over not having a free lunch in Norway - which doesn't come as a surprise, my impression of NRK is that it is not a "nice" or "gentle" company. They take what they can get.

For the heart life is simple. It beats as long as it can.


According to the website, Lilyhammer has been cancelled.

I sure hope they're wrong.


I really hope not. Such a good show.


Where do you see that? I get nothing when I search the show on that site.
