MovieChat Forums > Lilyhammer (2014) Discussion > Are they going to make more???

Are they going to make more???

I LOVE this show!!-does anybody know if their going to continue this series????


Frankly (no pun intended), I believe Van Zandt wont let this series die. They stopped before season 4 due to some bureaucratic issues with the norwegian broadcasting company NRK. They apparently released all episodes at once on the web, before Netflix even had a chance to promote the series, and Netflix apparently didn't like that and cut off the funding.

So basically what it boils down to is funding. But this is a pretty low budget series, the entire 3 seasons were filmed for 34m. kroner, which is about $3 million. I have no doubts another financial backer could arise and revive the series.
I mean, if Futurama came back with a new season after such a long hiatus, why couldn't Lilyhammer?

I utterly wish and believe there will be season 4 and beyond, if and when they work out the funding issues with NRK and Netflix.


I hope it gets saved, too, but I think there is a rights control issue in addition to the funding between Netflix and NRK. I might be wrong on that, though. Also, comparing Lilyhammer to Futurama doesn't fly. Steve's believability in the role physically has been pushing it since the first season. A long hiatus just makes it that less likely that we'll get the same show back. I think an Arrested Development comparison is more apt, but the actors in that show seemed not to age a day over all the years whereas Van Zandt seems older each season. He is committed to the program, though, so that is a huge plus.

✌🏻Go Team Venture!


They stopped before season 4 due to some bureaucratic issues with the norwegian broadcasting company NRK. They apparently released all episodes at once on the web, before Netflix even had a chance to promote the series, and Netflix apparently didn't like that and cut off the funding.

NRK has the broadcasting rights in Norway, and how they chose to go about it is and was none of Netflix's business, even if Netflix liked to think so.
So when Netflix went sour, NRK just shrugged and couldn't care less - they don't have any experience with never-ending shows anyway, and didn't see any loss in a termination.

You're right about the funding, the model was very complicated - and time consuming. Steven van Zandt realized that it would take ridiculously long (to his taste) to fund and make a new season, and did exactly the same as NRK - simply shrugged and went away.


I read it's definitely over. The in thing today is garbage, looking at these shows and new releases, finally something worth while and bam it's over.
