MovieChat Forums > Lilyhammer (2014) Discussion > Best single line of the series for me

Best single line of the series for me

" We are the Mossad. We have eliminated people in Lillehammer, and we will do so again " LOL !


good line - best line by Frank (SVZ) for me was, after they are beating up a guy and Torg says 'don't f with our nxxxxs1' - Frank says 'That's it - no more Tarrantino movies for you!'


Great one!

There are so many great lines, it's hard to choose.

But for laugh out loud hilarious, my fave is:

When Frankie and his henchmen appear before a reindeer farmer outside his barn, Frankie pretends to pay no attention to him while fiddling with his iPhone.

The farmer gets haughty and confrontational, "What are you doing??"

Frankie looks up: "You wanna keep it down? I'm tweetin'."


Just finished watching, great series. I remember the comment your referring to but can't figure out the nxxxxx''s word. Help me out please


"I'm not used to being cared for."

"Me neither."

Gets me right here.


Frank: "Now don't go all Blackwater on me."


The British hitman is running from Torgeir's house and Roy and Tor are standing there watching him incredulously, and Tor has no clue at all what just happened, so he looks at Roy and just yells "ASS%OLE!"

A L C _ H _ L - Sometimes alcohol is the answer



"There's no Obamacare for bootleggers!"

Martin Scorsese IS the best


My fave part, the part I laughed the hardest, was when Van Zandt is in the fancy baby stroller place, trying to get the stroller from the guy there, and he says, still dignified and mean looking: "Give me that weenie twister."
