MovieChat Forums > Sex Tape (2014) Discussion > Fortysomethings Have Sex: Deal With It.

Fortysomethings Have Sex: Deal With It.

A lot of posters on this board complain that 41 year old Cameron Diaz is too old to play a 41 year old character. They don't even mention why they think that Annie is any younger, they just assume that. It's as if someone made a sex comedy about 90 year old people, and these posters would complain that Betty White is too old.

What they're really saying is that they find the thought of fortysomethings having sex to be icky. I'd love to be around them when they reach that milestone, and discover that the sex drive does not die out then. (Women do reach menopause in their mid-40s, but I haven't heard of CD having hot flashes yet.) It would be like a homophobe finally having to admit that they themselves are gay.

So if you're one of those people who are bothered by the thought of middle-aged people desiring sex, understand that it's your narrow world view that causes your discomfort. Deal with it.



Cameron Diaz was born August 30, 1972. Please discuss your inability to subtract one number from another.



Source: World Almanac. 2014.



I'll believe it when I see it.


Nice strawman argument, JdgMoonbox.



^Moron, also, who's complaining Diaz is too old? She is still insanely hot



Your a cossack i can tell by your words anf actions. instead of reporting you i called robbie coltrane and we will shoot you out of a helochoptor



I stand with Putin.


What you say is true. 40-somethings do have sex. So do 50-somethings, 60-somethings, and possibly some 70-somethings and maybe even some 80-somethings.
That doesn't mean that it would be entertaining to watch them. Some things should just be kept private.

But if you think it's entertaining, that's up to you. Maybe you'd like to watch John Goodman having sex...with Rhea Perlman?

Not the bees! Not the bees!


You're saying that you don't think it's entertaining to watch fortysomethings having sex. I respect that opinion a lot more than the other posters on this board who say it's a mistake to cast the 41 year old Cameron Diaz as the 41 year old Annie.

As for John Goodman, it depends on who makes the movie. If it's the Coen Brothers, that definitely has possibilities. Rhea Perlman strikes me as too shrill, but all I know is what I've seen on Cheers.

There is a reason they call it show business. Producers have to find out what the market is interested in. Sex Tape is no When Harry Met Sally, but it is a pretty good movie, and I think it would have done a lot better at the box office if it hadn't been for all this bashing by people who find fortysomething sex icky.


I respect that opinion a lot more than the other posters on this board who say it's a mistake to cast the 41 year old Cameron Diaz as the 41 year old Annie.

I don't think anybody is saying that at all. People are saying it's a trashy movie that shouldn't have been made at all, and it doesn't matter who is cast in the role. Any actor/actress should have better judgement, and not take part in making such an infantile piece of garbage.


I respect that opinion a lot more than the other posters on this board who say it's a mistake to cast the 41 year old Cameron Diaz as the 41 year old Annie.
I don't think anybody is saying that at all.
Pay Attention! That is exactly what a lot of bashers are saying.


That doesn't mean that it would be entertaining to watch them. Some things should just be kept private.

What about Jennifer Anniston? I mentioned in another thread that her movies are not too different from Cameron's.

I must become someone else. I must become something else.


What you say is true. 40-somethings do have sex. So do 50-somethings, 60-somethings, and possibly some 70-somethings and maybe even some 80-somethings.
That doesn't mean that it would be entertaining to watch them. Some things should just be kept private.

...and therefore you have the choice not to go see those films. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. Maybe 60 years olds would like to see 40 year olds have sex.

What will you be doing when you are 40-80 besides being miserable?

Always be yourself. Unless you can be Batcatt, then always be Batcatt.


If the couple married not long after college, and they have been married ten years at the time that they make the tape, the CD character would have to be about 33 or so. Diaz is 42, perfectly capable of playing a 33-year-old. Her ass was really nice. BTW, it's been established that women reach their peak of sexuality in their mid-to-late 30s.


It's also been established that most women only date men older than 30 for their money or fame. Not their sexual prowess.

Always be yourself. Unless you can be Batcatt, then always be Batcatt.


Oh, right. Like men under 30 have anything approaching sexual "prowess". Maybe they can get it up easier, but they have no clue what to do with it.


So you like older men. Great. That will help when you are 40 because the men who want you will probably be 60.


And Cameron looks like she could pass for 34!


I liked the fact that Cameron Diaz is playing someone her age or around her age.

Teenagers who complain about the characters' ages will probably think otherwise when they are that age themselves.


Yeah we're all going that way. Its seems likke every passing generation thinks they'll never get there, in a blink of an eye I wentfrom 17 to 27 with a point of no return. I think, man, in 20 yrs which seem like nothing to me now I will be 47, my kids will be grown, oh my.

I used to think 35 was old, now I'm like hmmm... not old at all. The closer i get to it Lol.

I agree with a pp who said young guys can get it up easier but don't know what to do w/ it, I also agree w/ the responder to her comment, older men want younger women bc, why not right, but as we get older we get hornier, and we get younger guys who can last longer, but you have to teach whivh can get annoying, its all backwards! Lol, and the older we get the less self concious, that's a fact. For most, I hope. :)

Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.
