MovieChat Forums > Sex Tape (2014) Discussion > F-bombs do not = funny

F-bombs do not = funny

Aside from the fact that there was barely one good laugh in it, the abundance of f-bombs worsened this loser flick further. Diaz is smokin' for 40-plus, but nothing appealing whatsoever about the expletives that poured out of her mouth and those of most of the other actors for 90 minutes. That's desperation, not humor.


Agree but unfortunately this is the norm of modern comedies. How many f bombs are used in classics like The Princess Bride (a movie Jason Segel loves), Better off Dead, Ferris Beuler? I watched this and the Neighbors and barely chuckled. I'd be called a prude I guess, but f bombs should be used sparingly for comedy, not used as a crutch to get a cheap laugh.


All too often, they're used by writers who can't think of anything (pick one) funny/dramatic/insightful to put in a sentence.

Such was the case with nearly all of this movie.


Agreed, totally unnecessary and not funny.



I agree with OP, it's a cop out. It's supposed to cover up lack of writing skills.


The worst was at the kid's graduation, they were f-bombing like crazy in the stands.

