Wobbly accent

The actor who plays the security guy (I think its Tahmoh Penikett) has a pretty bad English accent. When he was talking to Gladys in the nightclub, it was all over the map!


Oh God, it's AWFUL! When I realised he was a spy I was hoping they'd be like 'btw he's actually not English' because it was terrible. Terrible.

"Lots of planets have a north!"


Ahahaha! I was hoping his accent was fake because he wasn't English too. I would have died if he had started speaking German at some point.

It's a shame. I love to see my Helo, but that accent was bad.

Truth be told, I had to see you one more time, even if it was from a distance.


I'm British and I literally can't watch his scenes. It's the worst fake British accent I've ever heard.


"Wobbly" is the nicest thing anyone could say about that accent. It's absolutely horrendous. Most American and Canadian actors can fake it better than that. I've heard bad accents that were better than this one. It's hard to watch/listen to.
