MovieChat Forums > The Money Masters Discussion > 2 threads... that pretty much says it al...

2 threads... that pretty much says it all

I personally think that humans deserve every single thing that happens to them. The fact that the number of threads that the Twilight Saga has is countless and this precious documentary has only two goes to show you how ignorant the human race is for the most part



You know, I'm afraid that long time ago I reached a point which the narrator of the documentary warns about. I got so tired of the world that I decided to adopt a sort of narcissistic approach to life. Most of the time I just don't care what happens to people -whether I know them or not- and just do my best to make sure bad things won't happen to me.

It's like you look around you everywhere and see almost nothing but stupidity, so at some point you start saying to yourself that people deserve what they've got.

However, every now and then I come across documentaries like this and that bit of humanity that's left in me wakes up for a while and decide to do something. I've tried to share this documentary with as many people as I can. Who knows? Maybe by sharing it, one day it will be seen by someone who does have the energy and the will to do something to make some significative change...




You don't have to download it. It's available on youtube.
