Being in my early 20s, I didn't really know anything about the film or the story of Ray Mancini before I saw it.
That totally changed in the opening sequence.
The story you will see here is incredible and everyone involved deserves a standing ovation.


Glad to hear the film is amazing!

I remember when Duk Koo Kim died. The fight was on TV. It was pre-Internet, ESPN and the 24/7 new cycle. Sports Illustrated has frequents stories on Mancini and he was hyped to be the next boxing superstar.

When news that Duk Koo Kim died, me and all my friend who has seen the fight on TV were horrified. After the fight both Duk Koo Kim's mother and the referee took their own lives.

I hope Mancini and Kim's family found peace.


It was just added to Netflix! Can't wait to see it!


I'm not even a boxing fan but I happened across this movie on TV. I stopped channel-surfing right then and there because it was so compelling to watch. The meeting between Mancini and Kim's son and fiancee made me tear up. I'm glad I got to see most of this film and I hope to see it in its entirety very soon.

