
This is the Battlefield game i've ever owned and i like it but the shotguns really kinda ruin it for me.

Have they always been that ridiculous?

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Only shotgun I've ever had a problem with is the USAS. And the answer for that one is yes. It's always been that ridiculous.

Just stick to medium-long range and shotguns shouldn't be a problem. Aside from the USAS.

There is, unseen by most, an underworld...a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit...


i only came across the USAS once so far so i can't say much about it but the mk3 was killing me from medium range in about two hits

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I havent played in a little bit. At the time I lost XBL, not too many people had unlocked it. The same trick should would. Be sure to equip a silencer. If you can get the drop on them, it makes it way easier. Squading up also comes in handy. Play with some friends and use those tactics. :)

There is, unseen by most, an underworld...a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit...


thanks for the info my people

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Some know-it-all once told me that Battlefield's shotguns are more representative of the real thing unlike what you might have seen in other games. I'm guessing Call of Duty. Just off the top of my head.

It depends what rounds you have in the thing which determine it's range. Buckshot is a strictly close-quarters, stop-'em-dead thing.
Flechette and Slug rounds are for medium and medium-long range combat, respectively, though they apparently lack the overall stopping power of good ol' fashioned Buckshot.

Bad Company 2's shotguns were worse in my opinion, I could counter-snipe snipers with them if I had Slugs equipped. Thankfully you can't do that in BF3, and since the Frag rounds have been nerfed you definitely can't guarantee a kill beyond close-medium range without some serious ammo expenditure.


after what i came across tonight i must say BF3=MW3. Each game's flaws outweighs what it does well to the point of frustration

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