What happens with Caesar Flickerman ?

On the movie we dont know... maybe ready for execution.

What happens on the book?


Caesar is nowhere to be found in the book. Commentary on the rebellion is left
nameless reporters, but having Caesar do it makes sense. I guest they wanted
to keep Stanley Tucci on board for the finale. If Coin had prevailed he might
have been her mouthpiece. He was amoral and would work for whoever was in


Thanks shieldsdraeger

"He was amoral and would work for whoever was in



Actually in the books he is more ambiguous than in the movie. Katniss actually praises him for being even-handed and helping the less promising tributes win sponsors; some fanfics even present him as a secret rebel. In the movie he is deliberately presented as a phony and a sleezeball, like the MC in Cabaret. One difference is that the movies show him commentating on the games and enjoying the lurid moments; something he does not do in the books.


Caesar Flickerman didn't select any of the children for the games, and didn't kill anyone, but he still profited from Snow's system. He might have ended up on trial, but could have been acquitted (remember Leni Riefenstahl?). Maybe as a punishment, he could have had part of his fortune taken for rebuilding the districts, or compensating families who lost children in the games.


He wasn't a big of a chracter in the book, just in the movies...


My favorite minor character, though his inclusion in the third movie felt a bit redundant. I wanted to see more of the Capitol dwellers' culture overall, i feel it was a bit of a lost opportunity with the movies. I can imagine Caesar's fate would depend on how the general public viewed him after the revolution, if he was still popular, i guess he could remain a media figurehead to some extent, but if people associated him too much with the Snow regime, he would just retire and be forgotten like a corrupt relic of the old regime, occasionally brought out for some interview about what life under Snow was like, etc....


Much as I hate to say it, Cesaer probably would have gotten a reality show.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.


Always pictured him as a "Tokyo Rose" type character.
He was a mouth-piece but not necessarily loyal to any cause.
