Severely underrated

I know that people complained about the split and that the pacing was a bit wobbly, but I think that this part contained some of the most powerful scenes in cinema (referring to the bombing at the capitol and the "anticlimactic" execution scene). I found the lack of action and opting for a more smart, dialogue-filled approach quite refreshing. From beginning to end, the film permeates a sense of palpable doom and darkness, which made the ending even more powerful, even cathartic at some point.

I'm not saying it's a perfect film, but I'll say it's should be at least rated above 7.0 (or even 7.5) and maybe this series would be a future (cult) classic, imho.


It's so refreshing seeing comments like this about Mockingjay. I think the franchise was ahead of its time regarding the approach on blockbusters. I think that, with time it will get the love it deserves.


No it was utterly disappointing... the first one and Catching Fire was stellar, the first Mockingjay was okay but a bit of a let down, this one was just flat out dull most of the time, borderline ruined the franchise.

Seth Rogue One: A Star Weed Story
