A "feminist" Battle Royale 2?

The existence of "she-boots" are a product of Hollywood sexism. or possibly just capitalism.

The reason Hollywood studios are rebooting films in order to push a story containing a predominantly female cast is because they're not willing to take the risk on creating an original story with an all-female cast. They attach these stories to existing franchises because they expect the known product to help drive ticket sales and weight down the risk of creating a flop.

If you were to go by these message boards it would appear that the studios are out of touch and that people would rather an original story featuring all-female leads than a reboot of an existing franchise. However, I do wonder how true this perspective is among all movie goers. It may very well be true that there are a lot of people out there willing to dismiss going to a movie outright simply because it doesn't feature a man.

So... without really seeing the numbers that these studios are seeing, it's hard to say whether or not these reboots are driven by some sexist perspective on what the people want or some capitalist perspective driven by historic evidence that all-female casts are a hard sell for movie goers. Either way it stinks and it's just another reason Hollywood is dooming itself by not being willing to take risks anymore.


I don't know of any "feminist" movies about military officers kidnapping juvenile delinquents and siccing them on terrorists.


Havent seen it, is it any good?
