the hate against battle royale movies

I can see why fans of hunger games do not like hearing this movie took things on purpose to steal ideas from that series but why go onto the message boards of those movies and say this movie is better after it came out so much later? If you like this movie enjoy it, leave the fans of the first movies that gave inspiration to this alone so they don't dislike this movie even more than they do now. I can see why it annoys people of the original source material when someone comes up and says "hunger games was so good. what is battle royale?"


I guess I might be called a fake account.. that's fine I have been called much worse by people worth much much more over the internet and still did not care (because it's the internet). That is the teenage troll method of making the other side of an argument look worse because it's easier to call it fake or whatever instead of simply saying that maybe this movie did rip off another one, but you still don't care and like it. Teenieboppers, learn to stand up for yourselves and what you like, don't try to mask it or warp it to fit anyone elses standard even if that standard was set for you to step beyond, does not mean you claim that standard to be garbage or wrong















There is nothing wrong with fanfiction, obviously it is perfectly legal or else it would have been taken down by this point. Writing fanfiction isn't necessarily plagiarism if You use original ideas, fanfics are nothing more but a way to express one's own inner ideas about a certain movie/T.V show/ book and so on.........Also sometimes people will add "I do not own......" whatever franchise they are writing for, if You give the original creators credit.



Let’s Get Real Folks: Lionsgate has been on the verge of BANKRUPTCY thanks to the BATTLE ROYALE 2 fanfiction Stinkbombs;And Also,

So, can the Folks at Lionsgate Avoid becoming the Next Orion? Stay Tuned….


I can see why fans of hunger games do not like hearing this movie took things on purpose to steal ideas from that series but why go onto the message boards of those movies
It sounds to me like you have a bad case of You Can Dish It Out But You Can't Take It. Why not blame Mahmoud Buttrumps, DippyAwadh, & co. for their aggressions?
leave the fans of the first movies that gave inspiration to this alone so they don't dislike this movie even more than they do now.
Even if that were true--and I've seen lots of critical questions that you guys can't answer, would you please explain why you think trolling should be a one way street????



No one is going on those boards and posting hate posts. I know because I was the last poster on the BR board and I certainly don't hate the movie. I don't care for it but I have enough confidence in my opinion that Collins never lied about her knowledge of the BR book to keep an open mind about the qualities of the movie. The BR fans are welcome to love the movie all they want, no one is going to call them names for doing this. And the reason people ask about 'Battle Royale' is because like Suzanne Collins, they have never heard about it. It is pretty much a tiny, tiny, miniscule cult favourite. And on these boards that cult consists of one poster with about 50 sock accounts. You want to blame someone for any BR hate going round, blame
Dippy/Clirby/Mahmoud/Raggydrawers/tomiegurl/AtomicGurl/Bollywood/Noobalot/NadsPatrolman/noobalot/Nadweed---- and all his other sock accounts. If anything makes a Hunger Games fan think ill of BR it his behaviour, not the BR film itself.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so. And I have groupies, Atomic Girl said so.



Exactly. There's no hate for the BR book and films, just annoyance that it's being compared to THG all the time.


And the strong desire to kick he of the many many sock account's keyboard to the moon.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so. And I have groupies, Atomic Girl said so.



why does Americans hate Battle Royale II?

because it says, that they are not Only One who have a true. everybody has its own look about freedom, life and his own country. and when ANYBODY comes with a rifle to my land, its my duty shoot him between eyes. Stay back in your continent (btw. stolen from murdered Indians) and do not try assault sovereign countries - and there wont be any revolt. thats what I think.





Exactly. There's no hate for the BR book and films, just annoyance that it's being compared to THG all the time.
If thats the case, then why did the Hungertardz get organized and knocked BR2 from the Top 250 here on this site.


Hint: It wasn't because Hunger Games didn't rip off Battle Royale II: Requiem.


Well. Could you go ahead and name any that are more popular than BRII in the US? The only ones I could think of are those by Miyazaki, which usually get released in American cinemas, but still fail to reach BRII's fame -- a movie that didn't even get an official release at all, but nevertheless still managed to make it to top, with or without the help of these Hollywood remakes....


There are explanations for your questions in the books. But at the end of the day, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 is a YA book targeted to 15 year-old girls. I don't think the story was crafted to hold up to critical analysis from adults. In the author's defense, I don't think she ever dreamed it would reach this level of success to where audiences of Battle Royale 2 and Hunger Games would overlap. Westernizing the story, and turning it into a vehicle for an American teenage girl should have been enough to differentiate the story. However, unlike her previous series, it blew up. Her comments on never having seen Battle Royale 2 are probably a legal issue. 


but I have enough confidence in my opinion that Collins never lied about her knowledge of the BR book
What about that one (and only) time Collins mentioned Battle Royale? All she said was that she "never here of that book", allededgly to her publisher. Why are we supposed to believe thay aren't lying when they both stand to profit greatly from doing so?

Moreover, Collins has released no statement whatsoever regarding BR2...



Please, honey. It is the EXACT opposite.


It has become a fashion to adopt these stupid books as movie, can you imagine the money these girls getting?
