BR Trolls

Please leave. You are not welcomed here. I think you already know that but you just don't care. Go watch other movies that you like but please, leave us alone. And how old are you anyway? Considering that BR came out in 2000, i guess you aren not teens, maybe young adults (?). So why are you bothering writing insults and lies here? Go have some real fun, and admire your movies at their boards. Here you earn nothing more than just angry and frustrated responses. If you do that to make us angry, then i feel sorry for you... don't you understand that you are just loosing your time as The Hunger Games series is a huge success? You can't help BR become famous again or harm us or this franchise with what you say/write. You only harm yourself because you become obsessed with the idea of you wriing somethingto irritate us.

So please, do something better than that. Cause no matter what, we all are people and these are books/movies so why spending time on hating??



Your moronic post will largely be the reason they bother, because your overreaction makes it worth their while.

Well done you 

This signature has stupidity!


While I agree with you, I also think more needs to be don then just putting them on ignore. The newcomers on this board need to know that this isn't a troll-zone. The administrators need to step in and remove the trolls. If not, it's up to us. (And no, I'm not implying using violence, that is NEVER a solution)




If you want to see some hardcore troll activity, check out the Battle Royale 2: Requiem boards right about now. Almost every post is about Mockingjay.


Actually, the whole Hunger Games series feels like it's inspired by the 1979 Stephen King novel, The Long Walk, written under the Richard Bachman pseudonym.



Lol, or:

BR 2: Requiem -Three years after the failure of the last BR program, a second act is forged and a class of students are sent to an island with one objective: kill international terrorist Shuya Nanahara.

Hunger Games: MJ Part 2 -After being symbolized as the "Mockingjay", Katniss Everdeen and District 13 engage in an all-out revolution against the autocratic Capitol.

They don't sound the same to me.....


BR 2: Requiem -Three years after the failure of the last BR program, a second act is forged and a class of students are sent to an island with one objective: kill international terrorist Shuya Nanahara.
But dosen't this sysnosis deliberately leave out the stuff that Collins stole from BR2?

For example:

- Shuya and Aya discussion on Noriko
- Shuya visits Chigusa and Shinji in the Special Defense Dept. (plans of creating death traps)
- Ai visits Noriko (she's probably not in the film - scene might be replaced by another character)
- Visiting The Nut/Prefecture 2
- Chigusa and Shuya talk & kiss
- Meeting Commander Lemon
- Chigusa proposes new plan to trap those in The Nut
- Shuya's speech in Prefecture 2 and gets shot
- Takako and Shuya reunion
- Fuymi and Ai's Wedding Ceremony
- Shuya and Noriko Conversation
- Shuya/Takako Begin Training for the Capitol
- Shuya and Takako become roommates
- Cafeteria scene with Noriko
- Shuya, Noriko and others train with the Capitol street simulator
- Training Assessment Begins for Shuya (testing to see if he can follow orders)
- Star Squad is Assembled (Introduction to Yasuaki/Hirono/Izumi 1/Izumi 2/Motofuji)
- Map of the 67th Battle Royale Act aka The Capitol and the Pods
- Shuya gathers stuff for Takako
- Final Shuya and Takako Conversation
- WILD SEVEN (Star Squad) Training
- Final Goodbyes to Ren, her mother, etc
- The terrorists arrive in the Capitol
- Izumi 2 is Killed
- The Leader of the Anti-Terrorist Attack Team sends Noriko to replace Izumi 2 in hopes of him killing Shuya
- Shuya/Noriko Conversation
- Real or Not Real Introduction
- WILD SEVEN Film a Propo
- A bomb from a pod is set off, injuring Shinobu significantly
- Shinobu transfers the Holo to Shuya
- Hjacked Noriko tries to kill Shuya
- Noriko kind of kills Motofuji in the process
- A black wave is coming
- WILD SEVEN break into a house to retreat
- Yasuaki wants the Holo, Shuya says the Leader of the Anti-Terrorist Attack Team sent on him a secret mission, Cressida backs up Shuya's allegation (which was a lie)
- WILD SEVEN leave the house; walk through the black wave thing
- Capitol announces the WILD SEVEN have been killed
- the Leader of the Anti-Terrorist Attack Team hacks The Capitol broadcast to announce a speech of her own
- WILD SEVEN go underground; Miki leads the way
- Sweet conversation between Shuya and Noriko
- WILD SEVEN Begin to run Underground
- Ryuhei is Killed by a Pod
- Peacekeepers are killed by the Peacekeepers (no lizard mutts here)
- Yasuaki and Izumi 1 sacrifice their lives to give Shuya and co more time
- Shuya, Chigusa, Honami, Noriko and Miki make it above ground
- Mitsuru, Hinoco and Riki are beheaded and killed
- The Holo explodes, tharting the gamemaster's designs
- Shuya kisses Noriko in attempts to calm him down
- Shuya kills a Capitol citizen
- Inside the Capitol Citizen's apartment, WILD SEVEN take time to rest and reflect (Over half of their squad is dead)
- Meeting Euphrates
- Staying inside Euphrates' shop
- Capitol announces WILD SEVEN are still alive
- Chigusa and Noriko discuss Shuya while she's fake asleep
- WILD SEVEN go undercover and try to blend in with the Capitol citizens in the chaos
- Capitol citizens and children (including the girl in the yellow coat) are shot
- CHAOS as the terrorists are in the Capitol shooting from all sides
- A pod is activated and the streets fall apart revealing a hole - many are killed and Shuya is barely holding on
- Chigusa is captured by peacekeepers, she doesn't kill her as promised
- Shuya, alone, heads for the Prime Minister's mansion
- Kids are all kept in front of the mansion as a shield
- Parachutes are dropped down, kids are holding them excited and then the bombs from inside the parachutes go off
- The terrorists medics swiftly arrive to help, and then more bombs go off, killing Ren
- Shuya is on fire from the bomb and goes unconscious
- The terrorists capture the Prime Minister and he is in custody
- the Leader of the Anti-Terrorist Attack Team is made the new president of the Republic of Greater East Asia
- Introduction to Dr. Aki as she has become mute
- Shuya and the Prime Minister Final Conversation - Revelations about the Bombing
- Meeting Akamatsu Again
- Shuya meets up with a drunken Kawada
- Final Shuya/Chigusa Conversation
- The Victors' Vote on the Capitol BR Act
- the Prime Minister's Execution
- Shuya kills the Leader of the Anti-Terrorist Attack Team; the Prime Minister dies anyway
- Shuya tries to kill himself with a poison berry, Noriko stops him
- Shuya wakes up in the tribute centre and stays there mentally disorientated for a long time
- Shuya Trial for killing the Leader of the Anti-Terrorist Attack Team
- Akamatsu is elected Prime Minister of the Republic of Greater East Asia
- Shuya and Kawada return to 12
- Yosuke's Final Conversation with Shuya
- Shuya is at home in District 12
- Mayumi scene "She's dead you stupid cat!"
- Noriko eventually returns
- Memory Book of the Fallen
- Epilogue


What are you talking about? The synopsis tells the main plot of the story without giving too much away. That was the base plot for BR2, which in your case, has nothing to do with Mockingjay.


You mean sort of like this one I just came up with myself?:

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: -Three years after the failure of the last 'Hunger Games', a second 'game' is forged and a team of previous winners are sent to a domed arena with one objective: kill international terrorist Katniss Everdene.


You know that's kind of funny. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the plot of Catching Fire, you BR dip- *beep* fanboy.

Catching Fire first off, takes place only a few weeks after where the first movie left off.
The last 'Hunger Games' wasn't a failure, as it was extremely successful in the Capitol, and it gave the Districts a reason to rebel.

"Previous winners are sent to a domed arena with one objective: kill international terrorist Katniss Everdene."

This is extremely wrong as well, now you're just making *beep* up. They weren't sent there to kill Katniss Everdeen.

Try again, child.


"Previous winners are sent to a domed arena with one objective: kill international terrorist Katniss Everdene."

(1) Their objective is to stay alive (though some have other agendas, none of which involve killing Katniss).
(2) Katniss has done nothing that fits the definition of terrorism. She just terrifies President Snow.
(3) There is no "international" because the entire story takes place inside one Empire.


These BR trolls have no idea what they're even talking about. Smh.



It's the same damn franchise isn't it? Stop bitching over stupid things. That's like if I got mad because you called me a Hunger Games fanboy instead of a "Mockingjay fanboy". Like sit down.


It's the same damn franchise isn't it? Stop bitching over stupid things. That's like if I got mad because you called me a Hunger Games fanboy instead of a "Mockingjay fanboy". Like sit down.

Okay- I read Battle Royale a couple of days ago, and The Hunger Games a couple of days before that. Cleary OP is talking about battle royale 2. I think that they are just TOO similar for the hunger games not to have been a rip off. And, in my opinion, battle royale 2 is a lot more bloody and entertaining (lol XD) and you're right- the characters are better (though i found it weird how so many of the girls liked the main guy). BUTT i actually really enjoyed the hungers games too, book and movie, and i still think it was worth watching , similar to battle royale 2 or not. Soo, basically, i think both are great, but battle royale 2 is MORE great :D


That makes absolutely no sense. Just because they seem similar, it's supposedly a rip off? Suzanne Collins hasn't even HEARD about Battle Royale when she was writing it. What makes you think an old white country lady would know about a novel secluded to Japan? I mean if she showed interest in Japanese literature and what not then yea, it would have been suspicious.

Ok, but you're lying about liking the Hunger Games?? If you liked the Hunger Games, then why did you rate it a low score, and all your reviews talk about how it's nothing but a cheap rip off?

Oh, and "MORE great" isn't a thing.


What makes you think an old white country lady would know about a novel secluded to Japan? I mean if she showed interest in Japanese literature and what not then yea, it would have been suspicious.
because Suzzane Collins's writing before the Hunger Games primarily consisted of Clifford the Big Red Dog..The Puppy Days, and the TV shows Oswald, Little Bear and Wow Wow Wubzy. Now I don't know if you have kids like i do .. I have had to listen/watch/read to hours of Oswald, Little Bear and Wow Wow Wubzy over the past few years raising two young boys. It doesn't get more innocent.

That is, until my boys start to read sub-titles and turning to Japanese Anime for their entertainment. Soon I began to learn that the great majority of Collin's kid show scripts were lifted from these animes with small details changed to keep the fact hidden. I recognized that these simple storylines were taken from TV shows like, "Pretty Cure Max Heart", "Nintama Rantaro", "Ojarumaru", "Detective Conan", Hayao Miyazaki classics and others.

She then began a fantasy series of books which she claimed was inspired by her love of mythology. She said she combined mythology with Alice in Wonderland and if a regular kid fell down a manhole cover vs a meadow hole they would find something much more sinister then a tea party.. so she wrote Gregory the Overlander and the first book in her five-part fantasy/​war series, The Underland Chronicles (for children and young adults), but the concept was suspiciously alike to another foreign children's book/animated film, this time from the french, "Arthur et les Minimoys", by Luc Besson, which had just been released one year beforehand.

Now that she has been called out, with the eyes of the world upon her, I am exceedingly interested to see what she ripoff next, if anything.


What? LMFAOOOO. Have you lost what little IQ you barely possessed?

Do you actually expect me to BELIEVE that you did research? Because it's obvious you're making this *beep* up. The only children's book she DID write before THG was "When Charlie Mcbutton Lost Power", and as far as I can tell, it has nothing to do with Japanese literature or culture.

Lmao, ok but she hasn't worked on any of those shows, you dip-sh!t. If she has, where are your sources? I want to see proof, because I can't trust a word that comes out of your mouth.

You still haven't proven how this author could have ripped of Japanese literature. Try again, child.



You douchebag, I searched her up on Google and went to multiple sites. I haven't seen one thing on those shows until you sent me the source of IMDb.

Wow. Your IQ must be in the negatives. How *beep* stupid can you be to call someone retarded for the source they got their info on? *beep* outta here.

Oh, and please get your head out of your ass. These children shows she supposedly "ripped off" (which is most likely not true) still have nothing to do with whether or not THG was a rip off of BR.

Copies of BR were hard to come across if you weren't looking for it. It wasn't something you just idly came across in a store and decided to pick up. So basically, if Collins didn't read the book, she didn't see the film.

Leaving all discussion about similarities in plot between the two and debates about basic plots and memes and tropes in literature for another time and place, then, there are five years and modest-on-a-good-day press coverage. On the one hand, there was plenty of time to read the book. (After all, in the quote where she says she didn't read it, Collins is admitting that her editor was aware of the book.) On the other hand, it wasn't a huge wave in American culture. Since we don't know her reading habits or her interests, neither of us can comment on whether she was personally likely to have read it.

But, without going into it in detail, I think Collins provides/shows significant sources outside of BR. So, yes, I believe her when she says that she didn't rip off BR.


Difficulties clicking on the link I provided?

Since we don't know her reading habits or her interests, neither of us can comment on whether she was personally likely to have read it.
Um yeah ...we do know that she is writer of YA fiction. So she and her editor were clearly aware of both the book and the film when they fabricated that press release. Its sort of a thing writers and editors do, called "research".


Unless you are psychic, or Suzanne Collins herself, you have absolutely no idea her true inspirations. I love Japanese culture, anime(Inuyasha, Dragonball(Z), Watamote, Ruroni Kenshin, etc), and my husband and I plan on visiting Japan again in January, but even he and I were unaware of Battle Royale until fanatics started creating a ruckus. So either present concrete proof of your assumptions, or don't get so defensive and surprised when no one takes you seriously, presenting your personal opinions as fact.

Formerly Briongloid, member since 2004


What does being a writer of YA fiction have to do with her connection with BR? *beep* outta here.


The lesson here to be gleaned is simply this: plagiarism doen't pay.


You know that's kind of funny. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the plot of Catching Fire, you BR dip- *beep* fanboy.

Catching Fire first off, takes place only a few weeks after where the first movie left off.
The last 'Hunger Games' wasn't a failure, as it was extremely successful in the Capitol, and it gave the Districts a reason to rebel.

"Previous winners are sent to a domed arena with one objective: kill international terrorist Katniss Everdene."

This is extremely wrong as well, now you're just making *beep* up. They weren't sent there to kill Katniss Everdeen.

Try again, child.
Oh wow! Suzanne Collins changed up some stuff from battle royale 2 !?!?!?!!? She must be very clever to have done so!!!


Lol, or maybe she didn't get anything from BR 2??? Like *beep* off.


I looked at the BR 2 plot summary and there was very little resemblance to "Mockingjay". It's about cowardly military officers who kidnap juvenile delinquents and force them to go on dangerous missions to save their own skins. If the troll claims Collins got something out of that silly storyline, he needs to specify what it is.


You know Kirkevansjr you can pout and whine all you want, you don't prove a thing except that you pout and whine. Describe one scene from the BR2 novel that was replicated in THG, just one. I'm not talking about the framing device of the Deathmatch. We could go back to 'Citizen Kane' or 'The Lords of Dogtown' for that one. Just one scene, from the books that were duplicated. The film BR2 doesn't count, as I keep saying and you keep pretending it doesn't matter, the film was never released. But let's pretend that it was released, describe one scene from it that was duplicated, go on.


What the actual *beep* are you talking about? I'm saying that THG did NOT replicate BR2. Dumb ass.

Oh Ms. Everdeen, I thought we had agreed not to lie to each other...



I'm saying that THG DID replicate BR2.
Now you're getting it.


Smh, childish idiot. Quit talking to me.

Oh Ms. Everdeen, I thought we had agreed not to lie to each other...



A contest run by an ostensibly totalitarian government for public entertainment. Where only one person wins and the rest of the participants are killed off during the game.

Any closer and King's pack of attack lawyers would have been unleashed to rend and tear the Hunger Games author and publisher to pieces.

Art Buchwald obtained a hefty payout in his suit against Paramount for the Eddie Murphy film, Coming To America where he claimed they stole the plot of a film script he had optioned to them a few years earlier.

Simply lifting a concept and changing the details is considered a theft which is considered legally actionable. Hunger Games certainly qualifies. Anything based on the original theft would likely result in a payout to the author of the original work that was infringed upon.

Pavan_Dagguputi wrote:

Hmmm ...not seeing it:


Any closer and King's pack of attack lawyers would have been unleashed to rend and tear the Hunger Games author and publisher to pieces.

Well, King has himself publicly noted the similarities that both BR and THG share with his work. However I doubt he'd ever bring in the lawyers as it would only draw attention to the even greater similarities between Robert Sheckley's short story "The Prize of Peril" and his own novel "The Running Man".
"The Prize of Peril" was first published in 1958, with an official German TV adaptation in 1970 - Das Millionenspiel (
"The Running Man" wasn't published until 1982...

Besides: you can't copyright the concept of a mass fight with only one winner because it's what is known as a - er - "Battle Royal", and has been a mainstay of British and American "sport" for over 300 years. (Admittedly, it was not generally a fight to the death, but still...)
Battle Royals were still a popular form of entertainment in the Southern States up until the 1960s, and yes: they were often fought by children. The young James Brown (yup, the James Brown) fought in them in the 30s, and one of his fights was recently featured in the movie Get On Up.


It's important to remember that King's not the only one who can make that decision. His publisher has a say too. For every dollar King got from the book they probably got ten. They can initiate litigation as well if they think it's worth their while. They could well be waiting for the last film to be released before they start legal proceedings to maximize lawsuit potential.

Spielburger wrote:

Well, King has himself publicly noted the similarities that both BR and THG share with his work. However I doubt he'd ever bring in the lawyers as it would only draw attention to the even greater similarities between Robert Sheckley's short story "The Prize of Peril" and his own novel "The Running Man".


Simply lifting a concept and changing the details is considered a theft which is considered legally actionable. Hunger Games certainly qualifies. Anything based on the original theft would likely result in a payout to the author of the original work that was infringed upon.
Actually it results in nothing unless the author brings suit and convinces the judge or jury that he is right, by showing parallels in the two works. Nothing like that has happened, so all this is hypothetical ( and nobody's business but the writers' )



Have you read the books? An extremely small percentage of the population found entertainment in the Hunger Games, and entertainment was in no way it's true purpose. The real purpose for thw games was control over the districts. Instill fear yearly in the opressed to keep control.

Formerly Briongloid, member since 2004


Please leave. You are not welcomed here. I think you already know that but you just don't care. Go watch other movies that you like but please, leave us alone. And how old are you anyway? Considering that BR came out in 2000, i guess you aren not teens, maybe young adults (?). So why are you bothering writing insults and lies here? Go have some real fun, and admire your movies at their boards. Here you earn nothing more than just angry and frustrated responses. If you do that to make us angry, then i feel sorry for you... don't you understand that you are just loosing your time as The Hunger Games series is a huge success? You can't help BR become famous again or harm us or this franchise with what you say/write. You only harm yourself because you become obsessed with the idea of you wriing somethingto irritate us.


A lot of kids under 13 have been turned on to BR by Suzanne Collin's's plagarism of it though...


Ugh, I don't usually even touch these threads, but I have to say this.

Have you actually read The Long Walk? Beautiful story. But--the only real similarities are 1.) Totalitarian regime, 2.) a contest where everybody but one will die.

The contestants are not picked at random, they volunteer. They don't kill each other. There is no uprising. The end is actually incredibly bleak.


What the frack is BR? And who cares?

Is this some crap like how people said decades ago that Battlestar Galactica was a star wars ripoff? We all know how that turned out. Thank the Gods they were wrong.

Some people need to get out more I guess...



Hunger Game's plagiarism of BR2, they at least came up with some original ideas on their own.
BR2 is a silly movie about cowardly military officers who kidnap juvenile delinquents and force them on dangerous missions in order to save their own skins. (I looked up the plot summaries on Wikipedia and IMDB) Hunger Games didn't take any ideas from that.



A troll isn't someone you disagree with.


I wonder how many people here actually gave a *beep* about BR before the Hunger Games came out.
Better yet, I wonder how many people still don't give a *beep* and just use it as a way of talking trash about the mainstream media.
I swear, it's like none of these people like movies to begin with cause all they do is bitch and whine.


That's thing, misery loves company. People that are unhappy in their lives want to make others unhappy, too, so they will find anything to bitch about. Hell, my husband and I are strongly of the opinion that Stephanie Meyer blatantly ripped of InuYasha, but we are better and happier people than to harp on it to people who don't really give a damn, making absolutely no difference whatsoever. If Takahashi doesn't seem to care, why should we? Seriously, people need to learn how the hell to relax and be happy.

Formerly Briongloid, member since 2004




Please leave. You are not welcomed here.
Maybe BR2 fans find that the Mockingjay ripoffs were also not welcome? Maybe give it a thought before dismissing it...


This is still going on, yikes.

Look, in the end, it isnt for you to decide. It is between the author or BR and HG, so you can all say HG stole from BG, but in the end, it isnt your decision.

Honestly, who cares. Like BR, good. Like HG good. You guys make this not fun, too serious, and I mean both sides.You both need to let it go.

To HG fans, ignore them. Simply dont reply, ignore them. They want attention, they want everyone to think how they do.

Look idc either way I like BR and HG, im not a huge OMG fanboy for either. Lets go further.

Lets say she did, Collins ripped off BR. Ok, now what? Do you win a prize? Are you gonna get some of that lawsuit money? In the end, dont support HG, dont give them your dollars. I think by now though, people are either gonna accept it or not. In the end, that's how it's gonna be.

My 2 cents anyways.


Kudos to Hollywood for being the first to ripoff BR2 along with their BR ripoffs, but its too late now. The Hunger Games has been tossed onto the trashheap of history. Just one of many Battle Royale imitators which failed to make the cut.


Here is the big problem...
BR2 = 4.7 rating
HG:MJ2 = 6.6 rating.

Look BR was fantastic I seen it, liked it. Dont act like BR2 was gold, because it WAS NOT.

