MovieChat Forums > The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015) Discussion > BR fanboys are the worst thing I've seen...

BR fanboys are the worst thing I've seen on IMDB

EVER. I'm not a fan of the hunger games book wise but I enjoy the movies quite a bit(never read books). Anyway people are always talking about how the MARVEL VS DC fans are the worst.... Hahaha.... No. I learned different this morning. I've heard people in real life tell me about BR being what Hunger Games copied but they didn't take it too seriously and just told me the similarities etc. Well last night I saw the Part 1 of this conclusion and I didn't like it much. I came to the that board to see if i was the only one, keep in mind I've never been to a Hunger game board before. What I saw stunned me! There was like maybe one topic on the first page that had nothing to do with BR. I went through all the pages and gave up on making a topic because all anyone is interested in discussing is BR. I went to the "Hunger games" and "catching fire" board to find NO topics on the ACTUAL movie(just BR stuff).They are ghost towns and it actually made me a bit sad knowing that these movies apparently aren't allowed to be discussed here. I can go to any old or older movie and find topics on that movie. I am absolutely convinced that BR fanboyism is the worst thing I've seen on these boards ever. They look to literally burn boards to the ground. As a casual fan I was looking forward to watching the excitement of hardcore fans and what they think of the movie etc. guess I won't be seeing that now:/. Is it always like this on every Hunger game board at the beginning? I've just never seen anything like this. Just look up lion king and KIMBA. Yet there are no trolls on the lion king board.

Troyaltrollwalker(Darth Spino)




I watched the first "Hungry Games" movie. So, I feel like I've sorta been to he** already.

I wont use profanity. Its rude.


Hollywood is notorious for plagerization, as pointed out. Battle Royale 2: Requiem is a brilliant work. I recognized the similarity to the story when The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 came out and have NEVER read the book… Collins may not have known that she was ripping off Battle Royale 2: Requiem --another authors work--, but clearly she encountered it at some point and it stuck in her mind ...


Im a fanboy


Hungry Games? I don't get it, was that an attempt to be clever that fell flat, or is it a spoof? Besides, if you dislike the movie(s), and the fams, the simplest solution is usually the best-don't come on this board. I know, it's shocking, but you'd be surprised how well it works.

Formerly Briongloid, member since 2004



God forbid you encounter a fan of the hunger games on the page dedicated to it.
That would be the worst thing ever.


Put the losers on ignore and your experience will improve. The moment anyone suggests that the HG series is a rip off, I put them on ignore, and now all the boards look almost completely normal.

(If only people would stop making threads about these idiots, I could eliminate the "almost".)


There would be almost no topics left TBH. 0 on the old board but maybe I will try it

Troyaltrollwalker(Darth Spino)


I very much enjoyed 'Love Actually'. Some stories I liked better than others in the movie. My favourite was the young stand ins for the sex movie being shot; Martin Freeman and Joanna Page. I thought they were so sweet and funny. I'm glad that Martin Freeman is now getting good parts and recognition.


The moment anyone suggests that the HG series is a rip off, I put them on ignore, and now all the boards look almost completely normal.

If you don't mind me asking though, how big is your ignore list?
The Dippy/Mahmoud troll alone has created literally scores of sock-puppet accounts, and TBH I'm not sure I can be bothered maintaining an ignore list that will run to over a hundred troll accounts...


If you don't mind me asking though, how big is your ignore list?

It is ginormous. I could have 500 or more people on there. Heck, maybe that's an underestimation.

TBH I'm not sure I can be bothered maintaining an ignore list that will run to over a hundred troll accounts...

But you don't have to do anything! Put them on ignore, and you're done. If they started a thread, you will never notice that it is there. All you will ever see is THAT they replied to a thread you like participating in. You will be spared having to actually see or read their idiocy. I can't recommend it more!


I do the same thing, and my ignore list is huge, mainly because of the BR troll(s).


Honestly I feel like the only person who ships Everlark and actually likes Peeta. I love them together. They work so well, much better than Katniss and Gale. Plus, I love Peeta. He is my favorite. Josh is so good looking and he is a great actor. I don't know why everybody hates him haha


But how are they losers if for the most part they are just inquiring as to whether the BR2 ripoffs will continue in the next Hunger Games installments?

I know that I, for one, would have zero interest in this franchise without the whole BR2 connection.


It's the whole, "it's not what you say, it's how you say it" thing. Actual intelligent conversation is welcomed. Obvious trolling and douchbaggery isn't.

Formerly Briongloid, member since 2004



It's a few BR fanatics spamming the board and crowding out any real discussion. IMDB really needs to clean things up, but they aren't doing it.


The "Hungry Games" fangirls use profanity on ME and its ME who is the "fanatic" and IMDB should "clean" (censor) ME.

Sounds fair to a "Hungry Games" fan I suppose.


Either you are an idiot, or lonely to the point where you crave negative attention. Either way, I pity you.

Formerly Briongloid, member since 2004


When you keep stirring up the $hit, you're bound to get some on you.


You don't know the difference between fanboys and trolls.

If Battle Royale was as well-known and popular as IMDB forums would lead you to believe, we'd be seeing more sequels and remakes.

It's a great book + film (better than The Hunger Games) but the people starting thread after thread about it are clearly just trolling.

IMDB is filthy with trolls in forums for new/popular films and TV shows.



There is a huge difference in being a fan, fanboy(whatever you wanna call it) and a mindless Fanboy. Fanboy is usually used in a negative connotation because fanboy is a term that has been designated for fans who act the most ridiculous and off the wall in general. If I can't go to a hunger games board and discuss an older HG film it's out of control. When 90% of the posts aren't discussing the film besides comparing it to another movie it's out of control. Do you see the Lion King board flooded with KIMBA posts? KIMBA is a clear ripoff of Lion king IMO but I don't care. We only need one thread on that board to discuss it and we keep it as such. I'm sorry but it's the worst case of fanboyism I've seen by far.

Troyaltrollwalker(Darth Spino)


What a worthless insight. Cheers!

Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards. Don't feed them.


Why is it worthless?

Troyaltrollwalker(Darth Spino)


Umm ...not really, while its true a new blu-ray, HD, and remastered edition of BR2 was released to great success in the USA, rivalling even that of the Huger Games, its just a drop in the bucket for BR2, which has been enjoying numerous re-release around the globe since it first hit the world cinema circuit in a big way...

BR2 is a cult, while The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is merely an outdated fad,and will be remembered as such,if at all...


BR2 is a cult, while The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is merely an outdated fad,and will be remembered as such,if at all...

So far, I think, hmmm, semi-kind of plagiarism is really lucrative in the entertainment business. Borrow, rewrite a few things, get casting right, proceed with marketing and you have yourself a potential revenue-profiting mega-hit on the table.

Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat.....its so simple.


Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards.

Right. When IMDB keeps displaying a "review" that says nonsense like "this movie [CATCHING FIRE] is about the American man as superhero" it pretty much discredits the IMDB review system.

AMAZON's review system has problems of its own, but at least it displays multiple reviews and allows replies to them. Plus, AMAZON is currently trying to crack down on phonies; IMDB won't even admit that there is a problem.





BR is original
