
So, when I was in high school, many of my friends were passing around this Japanese DVD called Battle Royale 2 by Kenta Fukasaku. Its about a group of kids who were abducted by the Japanese government and placed on an island where they are forced to fight to the death. The last kid standing is the winner, and if there is no winner after twenty four hours, they are all killed. This competition is broadcast as a reality show and BR2 is about when they rebel against the Capital. The movie was originally release in Japanese in 2003.


Your post makes me wonder if you actually know the difference between "plagiarism" and "inspired by".

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.


It's widely accepted that the whole The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 is a ripoff of the final third of Battle royale II. The Hunger Games is really just a vessel for the character study of Katniss as she goes through and emerges from intense trauma anyway, and since I haven't read Battle Royale I can't comment on how similar that element of it is, but the Games are totally a ripoff.


No, it is widely purported by a few folks like you that it is a ripoff. Most of us are quite capable of understanding that similar themes evolve from widely separate inspirations.

This "wide-eyed" shock you and your adherents affect is boring.


Sorry, but while "Battle Royale II: Requiem" has enjoyed widespread popularity around the globe on a worldwide basis, the Hollywood duplicate (AKA: ripoff) found no such audience, except among American youth who weren't intelligent enough to comprehend the whole "subtitle" thing.

Anyway, you were saying..?


I must admit I haven't yet red Hunger Games, but the reason has a lot to do with the description of the plot. I read Battle Royale and loved it and Hunger Games seems like a blatant rip-off. Am I wrong? Is Hunger Games different enough and good enough to warrant my time?


No, it is widely purported by a few folks like you that it is a ripoff. Most of us are quite capable of understanding that similar themes evolve from inspirations.
Huh? How is a carbon-copy considered to be "widely separate" from an original source in this instance, though???


I thought the premise of Battle Royale was though that the crap government existed because people were starving. I'm working off of memory here from like two years ago, so maybe I'm just imputing some expectation that future governments are the result of dystopian wastelands.

Battle Royale in retrospect reminded me a lot of Glee, except instead of singing show tunes, everyone was trying to kill each other, and the prize wasn't "going to Regionals," it was going back to alt-future Japan where life wasn't really all that great.


Yours is a very silly comment. The only things the two movies have in common are battles to see which teenager survives. But everything else is different, 'Hunger Games' has a much more involved premise regarding the societal structure and, as we see in the last installment, the protagonist Katniss succeeds in overthrowing the corrupt ruling parties with a hope of a better future for the citizens.

'Battle Royale' has none of that, just the kids killing each other.

I wouldn't doubt that HG may have been "influenced" by BR, maybe not, but even if it had been to say "plagiarism" is just being stupid.



Just a heads-up but Catching Fire and The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Parts 1 and 2 rip off the Battle Royale sequel. which is known simply as Battle Royale II.




Yours is a very silly comment. The only things the two movies have in common are battles to see which teenager survives. But everything else is different, 'Hunger Games' has a much more involved premise regarding the societal structure and, as we see in the last installment, the protagonist Katniss succeeds in overthrowing the corrupt ruling parties with a hope of a better future for the citizens.

'Battle Royale' has none of that, just the kids killing each other.

I wouldn't doubt that HG may have been "influenced" by BR, maybe not, but even if it had been to say "plagiarism" is just being stupid.

WTF? Battle Royale? This is the Mockingjay board. Get back to me when you've seen Battle Royale 2: Requiem. Those wishing to discuss the plagiarism of the original Battle Royale should do so on the Hunger Games board.


Wow, that's some amazing insight. I'm surprised nobody else has brought this up.


mockingjay is the kindergarten version of BRII
