MovieChat Forums > The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) Discussion > Battle Royale rippoff aside, terrible ar...

Battle Royale rippoff aside, terrible art direction/costume design

I havent read the books so I dont know the extent of adaptation from word to screen but I couldnt understand the terrible art direction (is it part of the books) that is set design, lighting and other elements under art department, and the kitschy costume design, makeup etc it's just plain bad, I am not talking about the fashion the army uniform design was quite pathetic as well.


Yes, Collins writes bad art direction into the books.

No, dude, I've got no idea what you're talking about. The art direction and costuming in this film is among the best I've ever seen. I particularly love the lighting in Katniss's house when Snow's there and Effie's butterfly dress.


I have to concur with Cocoa. This movie was some of the best costuming I've seen in a long time. As you probably already know, Collins described the Capitol fashion as a gross distortion of what people wear today (or maybe not that far, after having seen some red carpet pics).


It was crap!





After seeing Hunger Games, I felt it was closer to Running Man than Battle Royale. It seemed to me that Battle Royale was creepier and more of a statement on the corruption of adults whereas Hunger Games was a cross between BR and BR2 episodes…for teenagers.

Yea, I have a problem with people using “homage” in their personal description of a self made project. Can Robert Rodriguez really call his movies a homage to exploitive b movies when that’s what he really makes?




These three posts are clearly from the same user who has multiple accounts. Just look at the poor punctuation, time frame and embarrassing points made in each. Check the accounts too: one contains ratings and the others are purely used to spam and comment.
These Battle Royale spammers are clearly stupid.




Shut up, Meg.


It's satire or a troll. Either way, don't feed it.

I listened, as if in a dream, to the wild improvisations of his speaking guitar.





I agree...the costume of the army guys looked like the ones from the 80s tv show V but in white instead of red intimidating they were hahaha...lame ass crap movie...cant understand how PSH could be in this...but hey, now we might know the reason for hes passing...


At least costume in V made sense these look retarded.


True that mate NomadNomadovic!


t least costume in V made sense these look retarded.

Thats a vaild point, but I think they still wouldve reaped her just because of the mess Katniss had made the year before. I don´t think Snow wouldve cared about a possble outrage in the capitol because he didnt care when there was complaint about the quarter quell


They are just lame and pathetic in a movie that takes itself to seriously like hunger games does...but then again...the whole movie is lame and pathetic of different reasons...


freakfordetails says this film is lame and pathetic.

Rates 'Oblivion' 8/10.

The irony of this post is hilarious.


yes because oblivion is a nice little sci fi movie with no misses in the detalis or lame kids running around and acting cool. it even got some rly nice set of cgi, one of the best cgi movies 2013, so noob come up with a better comeback to defend ur crappy kindergarten *beep* of a movie called twilight in the future, with lame detalis misses that even retards under 7 years old would spot, but hey u are maybe not over 5? or maybe just alittle mentally challenged Block-Busted?


yes because oblivion is a nice little sci fi movie

The budget of 'Oblivion' is $120 million. Does that sound "little" to you?

with no misses in the detalis

What "detail" are you speaking of? If you're talking about the plot itself, one of the criticisms on 'Oblivion' is several plot holes.

come up with a better comeback to defend ur crappy kindergarten *beep* of a movie called twilight in the future

This film is 'The Lord of the Rings' compared to 'Twilight'. You were saying???

lame kids running around

Except most of them are NOT kids this time.

it even got some rly nice set of cgi, one of the best cgi movies 2013

So that's it? CGI is the only reason you gave that film 8/10?

Also, I see that you rated 'Kick-Ass 2' 7/10, and that film is widely considered as a colossal disappointment. If you seriously think this film is WORSE than that, with all due respect, you might be the one who needs help.


hahaha...both Oblivion and Kick ass 2 are miles better than this crapfest, but hey if u like kid movies so go ahead but both Oblivion and Kick ass 2 are not some copy of other movies (and yes i know Hunger kid games are from a book but that book wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for Battle royale and Battle Royale wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for Arnolds movie based of Stephen Kings the Running man, so the lame books are *beep* copies).

The missing in the detalis is for one the arrows in this noob movie that flips from 3 to 4 to 8 to 6 and then back to 3 again and so on after the ape attack for an example, and if u couldnt even spot that u cant have much of a brain that can pay attention to things.
There was even more in the movie that i could bring up but i dont have time to waste on discuss this issue with ur lame defending of this worthless kid movie and yes IT IS A TWILIGHT IN THE FUTURE, ALL THAT IS MISSING IS THE LAME VAMPIRES. There even was more detail failures in the lame first kid movie Hunger games aswell but what to expect when they are made for kids with not much brain function yet.

Oblivion is not a SMALL production, that wasnt what i meant but its not a big STAR TREK sci fi either, that was what i meant with little.

And Oblivion is not the best but i liked it cause it was something of its own and not borrowed from anywhere with great actors and a nice little twist in the end that i never saw was coming and it had some of the nicest cgi ive seen because most movies these days have rly bad cgi. Kick Ass 2 is just pure fun in a cool and more mature way even with their lame costumes, and it has a nice set of raw dark comedy over it that i liked and rly good actors. Hunger noob kids Games doesnt have anything, not even good actors and the bad guys outfits make them look like very gay...thats rly intimidating for the cool badguys...might go for ballerina classes instead of beeing bad military...


both Oblivion and Kick ass 2 are miles better than this crapfest

Care to explain how this "crapfest" got higher ratings on RottenTomatoes AND Metacritics?

both Oblivion and Kick ass 2 are not some copy of other movies

Umm... 'Oblivion' is a "copy" of several
sci-fi films including 'Moon'.

i know Hunger kid games are from a book but that book wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for Battle royale

How? 'Battle Royale' was an obscure material in the U.S. until 2012.

the lame books are *beep* copies

Then what book does 'Twilight' series copy?

The missing in the detalis is for one the arrows in this noob movie that flips from 3 to 4 to 8 to 6 and then back to 3 again and so on after the ape attack for an example, and if u couldnt even spot that u cant have much of a brain that can pay attention to things.

You know... CinemaSins is famous for making fun of nitpicky audiences like you.

There was even more in the movie that i could bring up but i dont have time to waste on discuss this issue with ur lame defending of this worthless kid movie

Last film needed to be heavily cut to get 12A in the U.K. How does that suggest a "kid film"?


How? EVERYTHING is better in 'The Hunger Games' than 'Twilight'.

And Oblivion is not the best but i liked it cause it was something of its own and not borrowed from anywhere

There even was more detail failures in the lame first kid movie Hunger games aswell but what to expect when they are made for kids with not much brain function yet.

And yet you rated 'The Avengers' 8/10.

Now, 'The Avengers' is in my Top 10 list, but if you seriously think 'The
Hunger Games' is for kids while 'The Avengers' is not, you're obviously biased.

a nice little twist

Then you're in a minority. A lot of people didn' like that twist.

Kick Ass 2 is just pure fun in a cool and more mature way even with their lame costumes

By what standard? If you mean by the amount of mature content, then you're obviously biased towards this film.

the bad guys outfits make them look like very gay...

Those costumes were meant to be ridiculous because they were satire of pop culture (reality TV shows, fashion shows, etc.).

no wonder PSH isnt with us anymore after he saw the end reslut of this piece of crap movie.

freakfordetails, you're now entering the insanity zone. Saying something that goes against majority opinion is one thing, but using an actor's death to justify your claim is another. If you seriously think what you just said is fine, then I'm truly sorry to say this, but you should be ashamed of yourself.

And finally:

hahaha...both Oblivion and Kick ass 2 are miles better than this crapfest, but hey if u like kid movies so go ahead but both Oblivion and Kick ass 2 are not some copy of other movies (and yes i know Hunger kid games are from a book but that book wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for Battle royale and Battle Royale wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for Arnolds movie based of Stephen Kings the Running man, so the lame books are *beep* copies).

The missing in the detalis is for one the arrows in this noob movie that flips from 3 to 4 to 8 to 6 and then back to 3 again and so on after the ape attack for an example, and if u couldnt even spot that u cant have much of a brain that can pay attention to things.
There was even more in the movie that i could bring up but i dont have time to waste on discuss this issue with ur lame defending of this worthless kid movie and yes IT IS A TWILIGHT IN THE FUTURE, ALL THAT IS MISSING IS THE LAME VAMPIRES. There even was more detail failures in the lame first kid movie Hunger games aswell but what to expect when they are made for kids with not much brain function yet.

Oblivion is not a SMALL production, that wasnt what i meant but its not a big STAR TREK sci fi either, that was what i meant with little

And Oblivion is not the best but i liked it cause it was something of its own and not borrowed from anywhere with great actors and a nice little twist in the end that i never saw was coming and it had some of the nicest cgi ive seen because most movies these days have rly bad cgi. Kick Ass 2 is just pure fun in a cool and more mature way even with their lame costumes, and it has a nice set of raw dark comedy over it that i liked and rly good actors. Hunger noob kids Games doesnt have anything, not even good actors and the bad guys outfits make them look like very gay...thats rly intimidating for the cool badguys...might go for ballerina classes instead of beeing bad wonder PSH isnt with us anymore after he saw the end reslut of this piece of crap movie.

Dear English language


Yours sincerely



Well first of all, i gotta say that u are very persistent, and u should get some credit for that, and i get it that u like this lame movies alot, and thats fine with me, i cant understand it but i accept it, good for u, and good for the crap movies that ppl like u exist, otherwise we could have been spared anymore of this and twilight series.

And second, im not from an english talkin country, so complain on lame things like that, is just lame and pathetic and are often need to use by ppl that starting to feel intimidated by the discussion, and its just as lame as if i would complain of what color u are just becuase u do like or dont like something, language issues or race isnt the point of it all, and u do understand what i write since u are so persistent to keep answering.

For the third, i only like Avengers cause its from a comic book that ive been a fan of since a kid, but still i dont find it as lame as either hunger games or twilight movies even if they all are type of kid movies.

For the fourth, I dont think moon and oblivion are much alike so i cant see that they borrowed the whole idea from moon to make oblivion, pls come up with somehting better than that as ur argument. The Hunger Games books are borrowed from the ideas of atleast the running man, if not Battle Royale.

For the fifth, i dont care what retards like cinemasins calls anyone, if u cant pay attention to things like important detalis, u can just stop watching and pls never ever take a drivers license, i would be afraid of go out on the streets. Details are the most important things in movies, in all kinds of movies, if those fails, the movie fails and becomes just lame and stupid.


otherwise we could have been spared anymore of this and twilight series.

Except I hate 'Twilight' series.

And second, im not from an english talkin country, so complain on lame things like that, is just lame and pathetic and are often need to use by ppl that starting to feel intimidated by the discussion, and its just as lame as if i would complain of what color u are just becuase u dont like or dont like something, language issues or race isnt the point of it all, and u do understand what i write since u are so persistent to keep answering.

Granted I've lived in two English-speaking countries for about 10 years, but that excuse is not exactly a sound one. What country are you actually from?

The Hunger Games books are borrowed from the ideas of atleast the running man

Suzanne Collins actually acknowledged this.

For the fifth, i dont care what retards like cinemasins calls anyone, if u cant pay attention to things like important detalis, u can just stop watching and pls never ever take a drivers license, i would be afraid of go out on the streets. Details are the most important things in movies, in all kinds of movies, if those fails, the movie fails and becomes just lame and stupid.

If you continuously pick on detail errors, EVERY SINGLE FILMS would be "lame and stupid". I repeat, all films have at least one or more detail errors and I'm truly sorry for saying this, but you're delusional if you cannot accept that.

u liked it and good for u and Hollywood that ppl like u do exist, becasue god forbid a world without Hunger Games and Twilight....

If you're implying that 'The Hunger Games' fans are automatically 'Twilight' fans, there are several people who love 'The Hunger Games' and hate 'Twilight', so that logic falls flat.




-Pompeii - 10/10
-Lockout - 10/10


Hey man I have good taste! I love a good bad movie.

HUNGER GAMES, on the other hand, are just bad. Bad acting, bad story, bad visual effects. In short, it's terrible. A movie is terrible when you cannot even find things to laugh at it.

At least Pompeii and Lockout made me laugh.


"Bad acting"? I wonder why majority of audience AND critics say otherwise...



I have to disagree with you on that. Gary Ross couldn't direct himmself out of a paper bag.


After seeing Hunger Games, I felt it was closer to Running Man than Battle Royale. It seemed to me that Battle Royale was creepier and more of a statement on the corruption of adults whereas Hunger Games was a cross between BR and BR2 episodes…for teenagers.

Yea, I have a problem with people using “homage” in their personal description of a self made project. Can Robert Rodriguez really call his movies a homage to exploitive b movies when that’s what he really makes?



but then again...the whole movie is lame and pathetic of different reasons...


i also liked moon quite a bit but there is no way oblivion is a "ripoff" of moon, at all. you might as well say oblivion was a rip off of star wars attack of the clones, since the only similarities between oblivion and moon are space is involved, and there are clones. just like star wars attack of the clones.

I wasn't actually saying 'Oblivion' was a copy of 'Moon'. I was simply saying that 'Oblivion' is not exactly original.

besides someone who rates pacific rim and transformers (amongst many other terrible schlocky excuses for movies) 10/10 has absolutely no place to try to shame others for their movie ratings on imdb ...

Both 'Transformers' and 'Pacific Rim' are actually better-received than 'Oblivion'. Same goes for 'Monsters University', 'Rush Hour', and 'Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows'.

every day I'm reminded of the absolutely terrible people this website attracts...

freakfordetails actually fits that criteria more than both of us because:
1. He has an absolutely horrendous English, so him calling someone else stupid is highly ironic.
2. He used Philip Seymour Hoffman's death to "validate" his contrarian claims.


Both 'Transformers' and 'Pacific Rim' are actually better-received than 'Oblivion'. Same goes for 'Monsters University', 'Rush Hour', and 'Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows'.

omg kid ratings....then i understand why u cant handle an adult movie like oblivion...

freakfordetails actually fits that criteria more than both of us because:
1. He has an absolutely horrendous English, so him calling someone else stupid is highly ironic.
2. He used Philip Seymour Hoffman's death to "validate" his contrarian claims.

Yes i know my grammar in english sucks, but hey, im not from an english speaking country, so stick to defending ur kid movie instead of bashing someone for lack of school time, or maybe im just suffering from some dyslexics, but it seems to have distracted a terrible kid named block-busted, that feel the need to bash on peoples dilemmas in life instead of focusing on the defense on his crapfest kid movie...

and yes...i still feel saddened to see PSH ruining the end of hes career with this baby twilight crapfest of a movie, but i do understand now why u like it, transformer kid...

Details are important and yes my grammar do suck...


Honestly, your grammar is utterly atrocious, and yet, you call yourself freakfordetails...

reply that all u had to say for urself kiddo? come back when u have grown some hair on ur little kid balls and have something with more substance to use as a comeback than my *beep* grammar...go to bed kid...its school tomorrow, and u dont wanna miss ur grammar lesson!

And about my nick...i love realistic deatils in movies and rly hates when the movie makers dont care for them, like in this turd movie for an example with Katniss arrows. But i rly dont care if ppl dont know english very well or miss a letter in a word or misspell a sentence or details like that.

Details are important and yes my grammar do suck...



Battle Royale is bad ass...its one of the first asian horror flicks I ever seen. Hunger Game looks similar with some added emotional twists. I seen the trailer awhile ago and it didn't interest me at all.


