Is battle royale worth watching?

I'm sorry to start another BR thread, but I'm just wondering if this movie is actually good. Because as far as I've seen it described, it's basically a Gore fest that doesn't hold a candle to the novel, and not too many people seem to actually enjoy it.


Its very fun to watch. It didn't really have any lasting emotional impact on me like catching fire/hunger games did. I really love Katniss and I am rooting for her so badly. But honestly everyone could have died in BR and I wouldn't have really cared, it just would have been fun to see how they died. The tone/atmosphere of each movie is totally different and they deal with different things.

Like Katniss is going through ptsd and I just feel like it deals with heavier topics. Which doesn't exactly make it a better movie, but the Battle royal movie seems like it is just good gory fun with a political message thrown in there somewhere. I am sure the book is superior to Hunger games, but I have not read it.

Oh but yes it is worth watching. BR is a pretty bad ass movie and quite exhilarating at times. I also loved he soundtrack.



I thought it was a great watch, Hunger Games was a rip-off on it (I mean all can be traced back to the Omega Man with Chuck Heston). However, at least this was geared toward adults and not children! Granted it's more violent, and perhaps somewhat jarring if you're not accustomed to sub-titles, but there's not a lot of dialogue and its not mindless violence like the Hunger Games; when I go into a movie meant for 12/13 year olds I don't want to see a seven year olds head bashed in.



Yeah, I guess. Though there has always been fiction about man vs man, so rip off might be a bit of a strong word since THG is not a carbon copy of BR2.

Anyway, a lot of my friends and people I know after reading/watching THG have went on to watch BR2 so... I guess BR2 is getting a resurgence in popularity from it.


A film even the true 'Battle Royale' fans say is rubbish, why am I not surprised?
The answer is that if you like derivative films awash in gore and you have a sense of humour, then BR is worth a watch. At least it it's gives you a giggle now and again. And it's truly amazing how all those teenagers know how to use Kalishnikovs without one single lesson.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



I'm sorry, when someone starts defending BR2 they have lost all credibility, and you were skating near the edge anyway. You are simply whining for the sake of whining and I can't be bothered with you anymore. I hope you had a nice Christmas and I hope you and all your fellow conspiracy nuts have a nice New Year. but I'm done with you. Life is too short to talk to someone who believes a stupid theory on the level of what kind of green cheese the moon is made from.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.





I was really looking forward to seeing Hollywoods version of the awesome Battly Royale II. I know, the author of the book says she had never heard of it before but I am sure the guys in Hollywood were pretty much influenced by it.

I enjoyed the first half of the film, getting more into the societies structure and getting info about the games was a good choice, maybe spending half the film outside the battle was a bit much though. On the other hand, the second half totally sucked.

The reinactments of stuff from BR2 was without any believable emotions, character development suddenly stopped and everything came down to a couple of action sequences centered on one person rather than showing emotions and complex interaction of the many. Also, the actual cruelty of these games was not portrayed appropriately. All these things made Battle Royale 2 a greater film and rendered this one a waste of time for me since I have seen it in a much better way before.



Well after much anticipation I went to this movie and it was so deja vu. Why was it so deja vu is because it is the ultimate copy and paste job I ever seen I swear plagiarism could easily be made between this movie and the original movie


Hey Cocoa :)

Battle Royale is a very good movie to me. The first movie itself doesn't have much backstory, other than flashbacks of high school life and a very dramatic scene with the main charcter Shuya. It starts right off with the winner of the previous BR and the shock of it is when the camera moves in beyond everything gathered around, it's this young girl with a wicked smile and blood all over her face.

That sets the precedence of the rest of the movie.

To me the movie is satire-ish and very entertaining. There is quite a bit of gore, some of it over the top. Where Battle Royale excels past THG in my humble opinion is the interaction with the kids. Each fight and move made is done very creatively.

Also it does feel like a gameshow you're on. Backpacks are handed out to each of the students before they enter the island. Each backpack contains supplies plus a random weapon that could be anything from a sub-machine gun to a paper fan lol.

It's a different feel to me than THG. I do reccommend it.



It is really good, and it does have English subs. You probably can get a dubbed version, but dubbed is lame. It's a really good film, and also a really good book and manga series.


I'm a big fan of the original Japanese version of BATTLE ROYALE 2 (2003). This is one of those movies that stays with you long after you have watched it. When I heard of a remake for the American audience, I thought it would be great and would love to see what could be done with it. I went into seeing this movie very excited. It starts off similar to the Japanese version, but seemed to lack a bit of the eerie atmosphere the original had. The characters seemed a bit more likable in this version, so I started to get a bit more excited about it the further it went.

The story then take a left turn and seems very rushed once all of the action starts. The original version is a lot bloodier and contains a lot more violence. This version hints to the violence taking place but never shows whats going on. The ending, which in the original, is the part of the movie that sticks with you, is hinted to, but again, never shown. I recommend that if you do decide to watch this movie, what the original version first. Hey America, if you're going to do a remake, do it properly and don't hack a film to *beep*


well, if you saw "Hungry Games" then essentially you've already seen "Battle Royale"


Both are worth watching. They have a similar element (the grand battle to the death) but they have very different takes on it. HUNGER GAMES focuses more on people and relationships. BATTLE ROYALE is more about the fight to the death. It's like comparing 30 DAYS OF NIGHT and TWILIGHT -- both movies with vampires, but one is more about the exterior goals (surviving the attack) while the other is about relationships (emotion).
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