This movie is such a rip off of me... I mean common her favourite color is green... THATS MY FAVOURITE COLOR!!.... I should sue them.


if you are referencing the battle royal thing I get it.
quite frankly all movies battle royal included are based on concepts done to death previously.



your overthinking it. the concept of fighting to the death in an "arena" has been done to death since real history in gladiator times.thats all it is at its base concept. think the location matters? like it has to be say school grounds, or kids in school uniform?thos are simply details.

but battle royal obviously is based on a concept done to death. fightin to the death because one is forced to kill his fellow man.its gladiator times.

I dont know why you included that list. if you think hunger games is based on battle royal, well then battle royal is based on gladiator areana fighting.

so battle royal AND hunger games are ripp offs techically.

its just that the hunger games is a far far superior movie than battle royal.





I like how you ask people to prove BR is a ripoff, and then provide a list of things they can't use to prove that because those things actually are good arguments for why you could call BR a ripoff too. That's like saying "Prove this man murdered somebody.", and then saying you can't use the bloody knife in his back pocket as evidence.



And when it's proved that someone was seen slipping that bloody knife into his back pocket, and the knife has that someone's DNA and fingerprints, on it and their clothing is splattered with blood from top to bottom, and the back pocket has no blood on it at all, that knife can't be used as evidence against your hypothetical man at all. Can it? See all of that is evidence, not the presence of the knife in an innocent person's pocket.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



Everyone knows that the first hunger games was *beep* campared to Battle Royale, however the sequel was on of the best and has more action with more characters story which is a more fairer fight against Battle Royale


That, I presume, is precisely what the producers wanted: a way to extract more admission ticket money from the audience. Too bad. In doing that, they have reduced the overall value of the series.


Katniss comes off a basket case. Not so much annoying or egocentric, like the original poster said, but just emotionally messed up. That's not far from how Fukasaku portrayed Shuya at this point in BR sequels, for better and for worse, it's not a mistake in interpretation, it's a basic dramatic decision.


Folks are just upset by the current state of thing in H-town... because they weren't told Catching Fire was a Battle Royale 2 remake, they want a refund. There was no warning labels or anything. We used to have the same problem in my country... you know, like 3 out 4 movies turn out to be ripoffs.




Knights of Forty Islands by Sergey Lukyanenko

It was written before Battle Royale and its basically the same concept. There are more that have not been translated in English because they just were not as popular and or the audience at the time didn't like the concept enough to make it popular. But yeah Battle Royale is definitely NOT an original.





There's no resemblance between BR2 and Catching Fire. The former is a silly story about cowardly military officers who kidnap juvenile delinquents and send them on the dangerous missions to save their own skins. The latter is a story about an aging dictator whose attempts to suppress unrest backfire and spark a revolution.


if you are referencing the battle royal thing I get it.
quite frankly all movies battle royal included are based on concepts done to death previously.
Could you go ahead and name any that shared both the plots of BR AND BR2, then?


This is just hilarious. Thanks for the laugh after reading all the posts about how it's a ripoff of BR, it was nice to see a joke on here.



Shhh... do you hear that? That whistling sound...?

That is the sound of something flying over your head, buddy.



all I had to do is restore the gore factor, remove the CGI beasties,

That would look more like 'Battle Royale' ripoff than 'The Hunger Games'.

Epic fail, dude.



It was horrible and im sad I ever watched it. Battle Royale 2 is amazing and it should be left the way it was made and not be remade in some other country. If americans want to watch the movie get a copy of the japanese version and learn to read some subtitles.



Except that the premise to BR was not original either. Lord of the Flies, Running Man, Theseus and the Minotaur all had similar premises and the author of BR admits to an influence from Lord of the Flies.
How does that make BR not original? None of these you mention contain the same plot/premise as Battle Royale and the Hunger Games, which anyone who is also familiar with BR2, knows are exactly alike. People who say BR isn't original "either", need to back it up with an actual example and not just random red herrings that Collins choked on while being asked about the clone-like similiarities of her efforts in comparison to BR.





The Hunger Games and Battle Royale both sound way too similar to be mere coincidence, far more similar to each other than any of the other books/films mentioned in this topic so far. I think people here are clearly under-estimating how quickly ideas pass around without writers themselves even being aware of it...

Long before I watched Battle Royale (some time in the early 2000s), I had already become familiar with the concept of Battle Royale through peers in my high school. And that was before I even watched the movie. On a related not, there were times when I attempted to write my own original stories, only to realize that some of those ideas came from other sources I had forgotten about or had heard about through third-hand sources. People are sometimes influenced by ideas without even being aware of where those ideas came from.

In other words, she can just have easily have become aware of Battle Royale's concept without ever having seen the novel, film, or manga. Remember that Battle Royale is not completely unknown, but had a cult following, which included renowned filmmakers likes Quentin Tarantino (who called it his favourite film of the last two decades).

It's very likely at least some of her friends, family members or colleagues would have known about Battle Royale and passed on ideas. Similarly, when controversy arose about Inception being similar to the anime Paprika, Christopher Nolan himself said he hadn't seen it, but it seems it was his brother Jonathan Nolan (who came up with the film's idea) who was influenced by it rather than Christopher himself.



Catching Fire and Mockingjay copied Battle Royale 2,
Copied what? Battle Royale 2 is about some cowardly military officers who kidnap juvenile delinquents and force them to do the dangerous missions to save their own skins. No resemblance to Catching Fire or Mockingjay. This is the second time this morning that I've had to make this correction.


I recognize a satirical post when I see one!

Apparently some people don't!

I intend to live forever.
So far, so good.
