Hottest guy in BR2!!?

Haven't seen it yet, but I went to the battle royale website (the one I think was made by mikejonas) and have seen all the pictures of the students...and I'd have to say either Takuma Aoi, Haruya Sakurai, Shintaro Makimura or Wataru Mukai.

What about you?

--"Well, Joey, I'm a Head-hunter. I hook up out-of-work Soviet Unions with rogue Third World Nations. Hi Rasputin!"- Chandler!




I heard word that Shugo Oshinari was, sorry to break the hearts of millions of ladies out there :P.

I ain't no 50 Cent, I ain't your Eminem, I ain't no Chigga man, I'm a Chinaman!-(Jin)




Hunger Games was *beep* awful and left such a bad taste in my mouth that I almost didn't watch Battle Royal 2, much lees series 7. Thankfully, Battle Royal 2 not only washed the bad taste out of my mouth but allowed me to throw back up that bad taste in a fountain of blood.






the Americas should enjoy a cheap,low budget production that keeps their relatives living in luxury.they sure picked a good film to rip off,no doubt the director of this film will bless himself with all the credit.



Hollywood did it again: took one of our beloved movies from the 80s and destroyed it. Aside from Lawrence looking almost exactly like a Caucasian Mitsuko, this movie fell flat on its face. All the members seemed to share a forced chemistry in all the scenes. And somewhere along the way, they turned this into a comedy. Just horrible. If you liked the original, steer clear of this abomination.



