when does it air?

"It's for the pain. Rarely touch the stuff...Can I have another?"


Looks like it airs on Oct 2-4.
But you can get a preview here:

Really well done preview - looking forward to the whole documentary.
Great cinematography.


great! thx.

"It's for the pain. Rarely touch the stuff...Can I have another?"


Air times depend on your local PBS station. Since PBS is made up of local affiliates they choose what shows to air and when. But a big prestige show like this will be aired in prime time and is set to begin right about now in most markets.

Also, the first episode is on itunes already.

"Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything."


Looks like Netflix already has it for those that missed it.

GG's-Sophia: ". . .my dear husband Sal, may he rest in peace until I get there. . ."
