Nancy Grace

I just started watching episodes of this show. Chapter 10 with the Nancy Grace imitator was a scream! I was able to watch more of the imitator on this show than I ever have of the actual Nancy on TV.

"The Lord says He can get me out of this mess, but He's pretty sure you're fooked."


There used to be an imitation Nancy Grace character on Boston Legal, too.

And I agree with you, I can't stand Nancy Grace. Her voice gets on my nerves. I've lived in Georgia my entire life, 45 years, and her accent is still grating. Of course, most southern accents don't come with a built-in whine like Nancy Grace's does.

(knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny



that was hilarious I can't that nasty hag Nancy Grace
