Bobo's dog

Does Bobo still have his dog , Monkey?

I will never let you part, for you are always in my heart: MJ
turn to page 394: Snape


I haven't heard any "bad news" about Bear, so my guess is he hasn't gone to the "Happy Squatching Grounds" just yet.


I thought his dog's name was Monkey. Guess I'm getting senile. I'll always remember the episode when Bobo and his dog decided to take a whiz in the woods and it was filmed.

I will never let you part, for you are always in my heart: MJ
turn to page 394: Snape


he may have a dog named Bear, I don't know, but the only dog he's had on the show is named Monkey, a little terrier mix, nice little buddy


My bad, Monkey it is. Brain... not... work... so.... gooderer. I was transmogrifying him with the German Shepard on POI.




can we just get a series where they attach a FLIR GoPro to Monkey, and let her wander the woods? she's got a better chance of finding something...note her 2 whimpers just before they heard something, she knew something was out there, not saying it was a Squatch, but at least something...that is assuming, that they didn't plan it, and have Bobo say, 'what is it, Monkey?', and then add in a whimpering sound in post-production


I don't think there's much interest in a night-vision video of a medium-sized dog under the influence of second-hand pot smoke and Funyuns being eaten by a mountain lion, wolf, or coyote.
