Seriously? --- Spoilers

I understand we, the viewers, need to suspend belief while watching movies. I get that they are not real and are just stories come to life on the screen, but, seriously...

Are we supposed to believe that a woman is so depressed and despondent over her husband moving in with a home-wrecker that she is totally okay with her son's new girlfriend totally taking over?

She doesn't just flail around the kitchen half naked but strikes up a conversation about the mom's break-up right then and there.

She has the nerve to show up soon after with luggage and announce to Henry's mom that she's living there.

She takes it upon herself to decide Henry's brother needs a girl in his life and then climbs into bed with him to help him get used to the idea of being around a girl.

Further, in her gesture of "good will" toward the brother, she has sex with him so he can get through his first time!

No loving mother on the PLANET is going to allow her sons to be hurt like that.


I found the girlfriend extremely annoying. Throughout the whole movie I kept asking myself "Is she serious," and even more ridiculous was that everyone so easily accepted her behaviors. The ending was the worst part of all. It was like something out of Maury with her playing "who's the daddy," and everyone totally welcoming her back into the home. Ugh.


Now, I'm going to have that ridiculous show in my head all day. lol ;-) I was forced to listen to an episode a couple of weeks ago while I was in the ER. Apparently, the person in the next bay liked the show and was hard of hearing. Yikes.




It is a tad over-the-top. Ha ha. I don't think that a nice girl would have sex with Matthes since she was Hanry's girlfriend. Bette was shallow in her neo-good-girl presentation. And pothead boss likes Henry's mother, to which Henry says stay away from my mother. Which he doesn't. A little hard to believe in all instances, but if this is a reflection of real life, then I think I'll go to bed and cover up and not come out until something a little more sane comes around. Which will be the cat! My cat is demanding and will insist that I change his litter box.



"Get busy living, or get busy dying." Andy (The Shawshank Redemption)


Bette comes off as more of a neo-hippie caricature than a true-to-life person. But it's also hard to buy Matthew as well, who looks and acts far too clueless for someone in college for 6 years. One had to suspend too much disbelief for this sort of movie.

That being said, I liked the quality of the performances except for Madsen’s. She’s given so little to do that she might as well have died of grief or committed suicide early on.


My mother is a pretty reserved woman that always tries to be gracious but the whole time watching I kept thinking, nope, my mom would have decked her and thrown her obnoxious ass out. She sure as hell wouldn't have brought her back after she screwed both her sons. Ridiculous.


I agree completely! It's like the horrible screenplay was some weird adolescent fantasy. The young woman, Bette (Amanda Crew), came across as a shrewd, manipulative 30+ year old, instead of 18. Crew's acting was atrocious too; it seemed like she was forcing her lines (and laughter) to make them sound funny and pithy, which they usually were not. The dialogue just came across as awkward and the whole movie.

I was really disappointed with this film. With so many great screenplays out there, it's such a waste to see undeserving people with connections getting their crap produced.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


My God, what a painful experience full of self-absorbed malcontents. The Bette character was unbelievably annoying. She professes her love for a guy then sleeps with his brother on a whim? Not that Henry was anything less than a pitiful jerk himself. Why on Earth would any girl find that appealing?

As far as Amanda Crew the actress - what is she going to do when she's 40 and can't play a teenager anymore?



The most annoying character had to be Bette. First of all, I didn't understand her attraction to Henry. He was an obvious loser with a capital "L". In her attempts at being helpful to everyone, she betrayed Henry. Who does that? She's supposedly his girlfriend, living in his house, and she sleeps with his brother under the guise of teaching him what it's like to be with a girl? The brother was almost just as annoying. He has sex with his brother's girlfriend? Afterwards he doesn't even feel bad about it but instead he wants to do it again? The mother hears it and does or says nothing? When Henry questions her about sleeping with his brother, she just says she "not going to do this". If she didn't think it was wrong then why didn't she answer instead of leaving? Oh, I guess she did think it was wrong but did it anyway. When she finally returns pregnant, she's welcomed with open arms? The whole family was screwed up! I guess that's to be expected from a family of dysfunctional people. I'm sure they didn't become that way over night. The dad wasn't too far behind; having affairs and finally taking off. Although dysfunctional as well, he was smart getting out of there. After all it wasn't like he was abandoning two young sons since they were adults. Glad though that the hussy he was shacked up with left him. Who would want to be associated with these people?
