Wow, no comments?

I guess nobody saw this film?



Exactly what I said. I'm watching it right now and its pretty funny.

Whatever Lola Wants, Lola gets...


I'm watching it now and really like it so far. Murray is so funny!

What we have here is failure to communicate!


i agree i watched this movie last night and enjoyed it.


I finished it and loved it!

What we have here is failure to communicate!


Watching it now. It's almost over. Sasha is SO attractive in this movie, ahhh


Why has every poster on this thread implied the film is good when the review score from 240 votes currently says 5.7/10? Who are we meant to believe?


I'm watching right now, it's on TV. I've never heard of it but I started watching 'cause Rhys Darby is in it and he makes me laugh in everything he's in. So far I think it's pretty funny but the humor is pretty dry. It seems like the kind of movie that some people might not "get".

Look on the bright side
