What the

My absolute favorite types of movies are horror, and my favorite horror are "a group of friends trapped in a cabin/building/hospital/airport" etc etc ...and somehow this managed to fall flat. The possession itself in the movie kind of randomly happened out of no where, they have TONS of chances to get away before the building "won't let them leave" and I can't remember any of the characters names. To be honest, I'm not all that sure what is even going on. Granted I am only 45 minutes in but this feels as if it's not sure if it wants to be a true possession movie, or if it wants to badly parody "Evil Dead" ...you even have the basic cast..the cool douche, the nice logical guy, the stoner, the fat expendable kid, the slut, and the lead girl that is humble, smart and beautiful. The only cliches missing from this movie is the token black guy, and "it happened on Halloween" I will finish it but I only expect it to go downhill from here...and I'm willing to bet only the main girl and the "nice boy" make it out.


Absolutely terrible movie.
