Why didn't they sue?

Yeah, why didn't the residents go to court against trump and his team? Why did they just sit and complain to the cameraman?
Also, did they get their water and power back?


That's probably exactly what Trump would've wanted, because then his army of lawyers could have bled the residents dry until they didn't have a penny left to defend them selves.

Working in the movie business since -92


Indeed. By having his men invade the villagers' property and damage and remove parts of it, he may have been trying to provoke them into that situation.


It's a different country so we don't know how the laws worked. It's clear that everyone with any power was bought and paid for; so the courts probably were also. I think that whatever action the folks took he'd just buy the officials (Judge, police, etc). After all, he kept them from having water for a long time. You'd think they'd have some place to go to remedy that and there was no one to help.


To be fair we did look at suing but the simple fact is Trump and his team have a reputation for dragging out proceedings and bleeding complainants dry as has been suggested by another respondent on here. That was the primary reason, while we are not millionaires we are not completely broke either so the option of legal aid was not open to us we made a deliberate choice not to go down the formal legal route and instead focused on campaigning and publicity to try and shame the 'official' into doing something - and it worked too a certain extent, but when he (Trump) got one of his employees into a position of control in the local media our fight just got harder. we are still here and are still fighting, so the comment about just sitting there and complaining to the cameraman is not quite accurate, although I can see its justification.

For clarity, I am David Milne, one of the residents.


Hi David thank you for the update. Keep fighting the good fight!

Everyday I'm in disbelief at how Donald Trump became the presidential republican nominee. I guess it is a lontime testiment to the fact that the candidate with the most money always wins, in this case being Hilary, and Trump in 2nd place. Either people forget how much of an awful hated bumbling and exploitive billionare he was, or maybe they just are to young to know. Trump's dangerous enough without being president.


Well,he's our new-idiot-in-chief now😱so if he screws up too damn much, there's always impeachment.😀
