MovieChat Forums > You've Been Trumped (2012) Discussion > Started off hating Trump but....

Started off hating Trump but....

But once I saw those moaning villagers, I was on Trumps side.....and the ‘ENGLISH’ guy who made the documentary, screaming like a pig when he got handcuffed was hilarious.
This documentary was so one sided and biased that I ended up rooting for Trump, and I'm Scottish..
I know I'm leaving myself open to the bullying SNP supporters....but then again, it was the SNP Goverbnment that OKed the course...


And I continue to hate him even more. We are all entitled to our opinion. Trump refused to answer the questions. The man's a pariah. 10/10 for this film


One sided? Did you not read that Trump, the government and the police all refused to give the film makers an interview. Who's fault is that?

Bad troll.


What the hell, man... let him speak his mind, just because you don't agree with him, doesn't mean he isn't sincere.
So stop spewing "troll" around if you dislike someones opinion.


He's welcome to speak his mind but he is wrong. As I mentioned he ignores the lack of dialogue from the Trump camp. Therefore they tried to contact Trump and it is not the doc makers fault it is "one sided".

He got off lightly being called a troll if you ask me. Anyone backing the police state imposed on the residents has questionable morality.

What if someone decided to build a golf course in your area and hired glorified thugs to intimidate you into giving in.


A group of land owners including Trump are pissing each other in this film.
Trump is doing whatever his business in his land, plus criticizing other land owner's buildings.
Others are saying we can do whatever we want with our lands(farming/building), but Trump, you may not do what ever you want with your land.

If the sand dune or coast are so important, than everybody including Trump should be relocated(removing farms/buildings/wind farm...) out of this area and make it a national park(if they have one in Scotland?)


"If the sand dune or coast are so important, than everybody including Trump should be relocated(removing farms/buildings/wind farm...) out of this area and make it a national park(if they have one in Scotland?)"

The point is, that before Trump bullied his way onto Scottish soil, the SSSI was being preserved just fine. By building a golf course destruction is guaranteed.

It's only "his land" because he bought it. what ties does he have to Scotland? None!

To make matters worse:
Donald Trump has objected to plans for an offshore windfarm to be built within sight of the golf links. In 2011 he wrote to First Minister Alex Salmond expressing his view that the planned structures were ugly. He denied that he was concerned only with the view from the golf links, saying, 'It is not only for my project, it is more to preserve Scotland's beautiful coastline and natural heritage.'

Of course this last bit is not remotely credible as he's destroying a large part of that beautiful coastline to build his precious golf course.


What ties does he have to Scotland? You say none, but I'd say that his mother would say differently. Mary Anne MacLeod was her maiden name, born on the Isle of Lewis. I also find it ridiculously laughable that you think another golf course in Scotland is more damaging to the environment and ecosystem than an offshore windfarm.



Windmills are horribly ugly and extremely damaging to bird life, including killing many bald eagles in the U.S. And they are built based on the myth that man-made global warming exists, which it doesn't. Windmills are an abomination and a blight that should be banished from the land.

Colonel Miles Quaritch is like some sort guy!


Bear in mind that Trump's precious golf course was built on the nesting site of rare birds.
Man-made global warming is not a myth. Honestly, the scientific community is overwhelmingly on the global warming side.


Lol, yes


That was hilarious.




Trump sounding off about the impact of a turbine farm in view of his golf course. He cites his passion for the whole coastline of Scotland. The man has never visited Cromarty and Moray Firth where Scotland`s and Britain`s wealth creating machines are laid to rest while waiting to be scrapped or refitted. The man is a self serving and cynical cnut


Give me a break you were a Trump supporter going in! Trump is a spoiled child and he should be ashamed of how he treated those people. Not that a guy with the worst rug on the planet has any shame! He was destroying their homes and rui9ning the countryside to make a playground for the ultra rich. If he did it to you, you'd be outraged so your statement is laughable!!!!


Three of the richest men in America aren't Donald Trump. They're liberals who fund your play-causes.


Tell me where Bill gates or Warren Buffet are destroying an entire country and trying to illegally steal peoples land and water????



But once I saw those moaning villagers, I was on Trumps side.....


If you lived where they did, as their ancestors had, and you saw the destruction of the centuries-old rural landscape going on all around you, a landscape in which you had grown up and that you knew intimately... you'd be moaning too. And most of us who saw the film can perceive that. Have you ever experienced the beauty of wild lands firsthand?

This reminds me of right-wingers here in the US who love to say that protesters (except Tea Party protesters, of course) are "whiners" (or "whingers", if you will). It's a psychological ploy, attempting to distract us from the protesters' MESSAGE and turn us against their cause by implying, "Ewww, you don't want to be thought of as a whiner, now, do you?"

On the other hand, when Trump repeatedly describes that one farmer's spread as "disgusting" and "a slum", when it's merely a typical example of rustic rural living... now, THAT'S whining. (Of course, it's really a calculated P.R. tactic to discredit a relatively powerless little guy by defaming him-- but to puny 'big men' like Donald T. Rump, any slimy tactic that gets you what you want is justified.)


But once I saw those moaning villagers, I was on Trumps side.....and the ‘ENGLISH’ guy who made the documentary, screaming like a pig when he got handcuffed was hilarious.
This documentary was so one sided and biased that I ended up rooting for Trump, and I'm Scottish..
I know I'm leaving myself open to the bullying SNP supporters....but then again, it was the SNP Goverbnment that OKed the course...
The fact that this was so biased didn't help anyone. You're right about the documentarian -- if he hadn't gotten his handcuff moment, he would have been terribly disappointed. When they tell you to turn off the camera, you turn off the camera. If you lip off at cops and act like they don't have any authority, it's not going to end well -- on either side of the Atlantic.

I was sitting next to my husband, who noticed things I didn't. Example, the fellow who complained about how they'd broken something off his boat -- Hubby: "That was rusted out before they got there!"

Still, I wanted to see Trump in action on something other than political turf, and I got an eyeful. He takes the issue -- in that case the environmental impact -- and he tells people that not only is the environment going to be protected, it's going to be better than it was before! In short, he meets the question head-on and shines people on by telling them what they want to hear. If there's someone who's in opposition to him, he just starts insulting them. And he's done both of those things so far in his political race.

The only nice thing about Trump is that he's made people unafraid of the press -- at least the folks who are running for President -- and some things are now getting discussed that might not have been discussed otherwise.

But frankly, what kind of a moron builds a golf course on a place with a water table that high? It made me wonder how he managed to make as much money as he has. Who needs a guy like that running America? We've got more than enough problems as it is.

When evil is viewed as good, righteousness is viewed as evil.


Nothing could make me like Trump .. I am so sorry that this man did harm to their country side .. He has no respect for anyone unless they are kissing his ass ... pucker up .

"A man that wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough".


Trump's behavior toward the farmers in this movie should be enough ALL BY ITSELF to convince anyone that he should NOT be entrusted with the Presidency of the United States. He slanders those people and lies about their living conditions, and when that doesn't do the trick, he flips the bird at one of the remaining holdouts, knowing that he's being videotaped for TV as he does it. His attitude is, "There's only one thing that matters in the world: I have to get exactly what I want, without being criticized for anything I say or do, so SCREW anyone who gets in my way! I will NOT listen to advice, I will NOT listen to criticism, I will NOT listen to any values or concerns that conflict with my impulsive desires. Nobody can tell me anything!"

Seventy years old (give or take a few months) and he has still never matured beyond the spoiled-brat stage of childhood. Incredible! The really sad part is, there are lots of people here in the U.S. who admire him for that: "Man, if I could act like an a-hole toward everyone and get paid lots of money for it, year after year-- wouldn't THAT be a perfect life!"


I'm just a tad slow when it comes to e mail .. I mean June the 8th .. I should be shot .. lol ... Since then a lot has changed ... My view of Trump is one of them .. He's a sick sick man .. and to think there are people out there who are planning to vote for this man .. How can you love America and vote for Trump .. I pray this man does not win the election .. Every time he opens his mouth , Clinton has a new commercial .. The first debate for Trump didn't go to well .. we'll see how he does Monday night .. I hope the same ... see ya around .

"A man that wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough".
