MovieChat Forums > The Finder (2012) Discussion > Eh. I'd rather have Terriers come back ...

Eh. I'd rather have Terriers come back than this cliche show...

I don't think it's bad, but I don't think it's good either. It's so forgettable and cliche. The characters are very much stock characters and the show is just another one in a long line of glossy 2nd rate investigation shows.

It just makes me realize how good "Terriers" was and how much I miss that amazing show.



Yeah, the girl who is the "sociopath" happens to be a pretty blonde girl who is always dressed just like this month's Hollister ad? Give me a break. And the boy happens to be a fashion model too? Oh yeah, so does every single woman. Why are women in these shows always so gorgeous? I just don't buy it. When was the last time you saw a gorgeous female cop or investigator? It's so dumb. I appreciate gorgeous women as much as the next straight guy, but they don't ALL need to be so hot! To me, that's the worst part about "Chuck", the fact that there's never an unattractive female. I live and work in the real world...most women are not attractive, let alone stunningly gorgeous!

I really thought it might be good, especially with Michael Clarke Duncan in it. But it's so cliche and forgettable, it doesn't really feel any different than the 27 CSI shows out there these days.

"Terriers" gets cancelled after the most brilliant season in recent memory, but another glossy procedural gets the green just makes me sad. There's plenty of quality TV these days, the problem is that it gets cancelled before it can grab an audience while the heavily marketed glossy crap goes on forever. However, for every "Terriers" there are about ten "The Finder"s...and since the cliche stuff panders to the lowest common denominator, the shows like "The Finder" will always succeed over shows like "Terriers".


i miss terriers too. *hugs*

so i better not even try this one? just came on to check out if it's worth a shot. lol.

also i agree on the pretty actors thing. all that perfectness makes it really hard to connect to the characters ...

I was a postal worker from May until July
I left because of allergies - the letters made me cry



I miss Terriers as well, although I don't remember there being any average looking women in that either.

It's TV, that's how it goes, even if somebody is 'ugly' it's 'TV ugly' not ugly ugly.

I've found 'The Finder' quirky enough so far, I'll keep tuning in.

cancelled too soon:
-New Amsterdam


Agreement on the use of the words forgettable, cliche and stock. How disappointing given that great one off episode they had a few months ago with the Bones tie in. I basically came to the board to see if there was any chance that this ep was filmed before that ep for some reason, and they would be going back to the cast of the good ep. guess not. the silver lining was reading this post and catching your reference to terriers, which I then looked up and have watched 8 episodes of in the last 2 days. plus one to you my good man.

we love you trolls, oh yes we do.
(='.'=) <--this is a bunny, not a troll


I'm glad you found Terriers...too bad so many like you were sorely missing during its original run. Surely if it had been marketed well and aired on a network, it would have been a success.

I'm actually planning on giving this show another chance because I like Michael Clarke Duncan so much, but this show isn't giving me much hope.


I never watched "Terriers," but I'm pretty sure that was a basic cable show on FX. I fail to see the connection between its cancellation and "The Finder" being green-lit.


It's more about the state of television than the direct connection between the two shows. Quality TV like "Terriers" goes unnoticed and gets cancelled, while cliche-ridden crap like "The Finder" gets pushed heavily by the network and ends up being a success.


Well, who wouldn't rather have Terriors than most the shows on TV?


Never saw Terriers.

I think Fox and FX are part of the same corporation -- other than that I don't see any connection between the two show. On the other hand, Fox could have given us another 13 weeks of Chicago Code instead of this.


Clearly you didn't read the thread...

The show is cliche crap with an incredibly glossy sheen. And the girl on probation just happening to be a Supermodel-type is beyond ridiculous. She doesn't have to be ugly, but making her a pretty blonde girl who looks like she just stepped from a photoshoot takes away any chance this show had of feeling even remotely realistic.


I agree. I put off watching this show for these exact same reasons and now that I've seen the first episode it's not really bad but it's certainly irritatingly average. It's Human Target only w/o all the awesome stuff.

Terriers and Lights Out was quality tv that'll slip into further obscurity.


Yeah, I watched this show again for episode 2 and it was more of the same. Forgettable and cliche with some pretty bad acting.

Lights Out had Cliches and all, but it was also a compelling drama with well-thought-out characters and deep stories.


I dunno; I thought the second episode was MUCH better. They really do need to ditch that annoying little Gypsie girl though.
