MovieChat Forums > The Citizen (2013) Discussion > Film scorned by US viewers..(only?)

Film scorned by US viewers..(only?)

Current voting breakdown:

Top 1000 voters--15____ 3.2
US users----------63____ 3.7
Non-US users-----601____ 8.0

Votes Percentage Rating
551 73.0% 10
50 6.6% 9
55 7.3% 8
28 3.7% 7
15 2.0% 6
10 1.3% 5
9 1.2% 4
3 0.4% 3
5 0.7% 2
29 3.8% 1

Arithmetic mean = 9.0.

Thoughts about this razor sharp decline in appreciation and reasons as to why foreign voters favor this simplistic melodramatic immigration story so much more than US voters?


Because in the U.S., people vote favorably for a story that is believable, with a plausible plot, three-dimensional characters, and better quality acting than a daytime soap . This one had none of those traits. It was more like a fairy tale.


@kbikertl; you are funny

"Equitare, arcum tendere,veritatem dicere."
